Do you have little children around you? If you want to really see what the spirit of the season reveals, look through the eyes of a child.
Adults often live alone or in a retirement village somewhere. Retirees have their friends to celebrate the holidays with; however, things are often missed, moments of wonder, unless you have a child in your midst.
If you won't be spending the holidays with children in your own family, visit an orphanage, a boy's club, or a homeless shelter. Bring some presents and a snack. Reveal to someone this season the love of Christ through you. People ask for miracles: Be the miracle and watch the eyes of a small child light up. Your life will light up too, and you'll feel your youth all over again.
Who knows; maybe that little act of kindness will become a friendship that will last all year long bringing moments of joy to both your lives.
God bless you,
Where You Can Come for Positive Encouragement, Thoughts and Sayings, & Poetry for your Soul - Live in Abundance!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Holidays Are Just About Here-Are You Stressed Out?
It's a very busy time-so much to do. I hope that you're not losing out on the joy of life over the stresses of meeting deadlines and "shopping till you drop."
Hi, I've been on a bit of a hiatus since my last post. I got on the proverbial merry-go-round myself and had to stop. Life can get one in a tail spin if you don't watch out.
Are you a perfectionist? I admit that I am. I have to remind myself of what's actually important in life this time of year. If the last decoration doesn't get up, or the Christmas dinner isn't absolutely perfect, or, heaven forbid, Aunt Susie didn't get her gift in time even though you mailed it two weeks ago, learn to stop and relax.
Stop and enjoy a cup of tea with your Santa or Mrs. Claus. Make some cookies with your children-you, too, Dad, even though they'll make a mess and persnickety Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary may stop over.
This is family time. Just be grateful! That's what this whole season is all about; being thankful, grateful for all that we are, all that we have, and for being alive.
Until next time...Love to all.
God bless,
Hi, I've been on a bit of a hiatus since my last post. I got on the proverbial merry-go-round myself and had to stop. Life can get one in a tail spin if you don't watch out.
Are you a perfectionist? I admit that I am. I have to remind myself of what's actually important in life this time of year. If the last decoration doesn't get up, or the Christmas dinner isn't absolutely perfect, or, heaven forbid, Aunt Susie didn't get her gift in time even though you mailed it two weeks ago, learn to stop and relax.
Stop and enjoy a cup of tea with your Santa or Mrs. Claus. Make some cookies with your children-you, too, Dad, even though they'll make a mess and persnickety Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary may stop over.
This is family time. Just be grateful! That's what this whole season is all about; being thankful, grateful for all that we are, all that we have, and for being alive.
Until next time...Love to all.
God bless,
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Keep Moving Forward
Something has gone awry. What ever it was, it shouldn't have happened, you tell yourself. But it did.
The "It" can stop you in your tracks and you can become paralyzed with the moment. Sometimes the "It" paralyzes you for years.
Suggestion: Look whatever "it" is straight on; whether it be a circumstance, a person, a tragedy. If "it" has stolen days, months, or years, confront "it" at the moment it happened; at the age you were at the time. Take that person you were and mentally hold yourself, love yourself, and forgive yourself and whoever or whatever else was involved at the time.
Release so that you can keep moving forward. If you stay in unforgiveness or regret and remorse, it is death to your soul. To have the freedom to feel joy again is to have life. Have life again. Move forward.
Forgive yourself and others. Love yourself, and "Keep Moving Forward."
Love to you,
The "It" can stop you in your tracks and you can become paralyzed with the moment. Sometimes the "It" paralyzes you for years.
Suggestion: Look whatever "it" is straight on; whether it be a circumstance, a person, a tragedy. If "it" has stolen days, months, or years, confront "it" at the moment it happened; at the age you were at the time. Take that person you were and mentally hold yourself, love yourself, and forgive yourself and whoever or whatever else was involved at the time.
Release so that you can keep moving forward. If you stay in unforgiveness or regret and remorse, it is death to your soul. To have the freedom to feel joy again is to have life. Have life again. Move forward.
Forgive yourself and others. Love yourself, and "Keep Moving Forward."
Love to you,
Saturday, August 04, 2007
The Path with a Heart
Are you following a path with a heart? What is that, you ask? It's the course of life that fulfills you. It's following your passion, or, as one might say, your God-given path.
Thirty-seven years ago my husband and I found a framed saying in an old barn sale. It was the "The Path With A Heart." We have had it hanging in our homes ever since. I would like to share a few lines with you:
Sometimes we can get off track. We all know the feeling of being in the right place. Yet, because of circumstances, anxiousness, fear, worry, or being enticed like the character Pinocchio, we can veer off-track of our destiny. We have to get into the habit of stopping once in awhile and asking ourselves if what we are doing is involving our life's passion. Each one of us has unique gifts that are given to us. If we do our work using them, life just seems to flow naturally. If, however, we continue to do things contrary to our gifts or neglect to involve those gifts in our work, we find an emptiness within and life is burdensome.
Are you staying in the Potter's hands? If not, you have to make the move to get back in His hands. Trust Him, and have patience. Have the patience to wait for Him to open the doors for the next step in life's journey that He has already prepared for you; steps that are filled with joyful expectation of what will come next; and steps full of inward peace: "The Path With A Heart."
In love & joy,
"For me there is only the traveling on paths that have a heart, on any path that may have heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length. And, there I travel looking, looking, breathlessly. ---The last lines of "The Path With A Heart." May you have a wondrous journey following your Path With A Heart. God bless
Thirty-seven years ago my husband and I found a framed saying in an old barn sale. It was the "The Path With A Heart." We have had it hanging in our homes ever since. I would like to share a few lines with you:
"I warn you. Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself, and yourself alone, one question. This question is one a very old man asks. My benefactor told me about it once when I was young, and my blood was too vigorous for me to understand it. Now I do understand it. I will tell you what it is: Does this path have a heart?"
I was going over one of my latest blogs, "I Asked God", and I spoke of always knowing that you are in the Potter's hands. I stopped to reflect on that a bit and felt I should add something to that statement for a moment here.
Sometimes we can get off track. We all know the feeling of being in the right place. Yet, because of circumstances, anxiousness, fear, worry, or being enticed like the character Pinocchio, we can veer off-track of our destiny. We have to get into the habit of stopping once in awhile and asking ourselves if what we are doing is involving our life's passion. Each one of us has unique gifts that are given to us. If we do our work using them, life just seems to flow naturally. If, however, we continue to do things contrary to our gifts or neglect to involve those gifts in our work, we find an emptiness within and life is burdensome.
Are you staying in the Potter's hands? If not, you have to make the move to get back in His hands. Trust Him, and have patience. Have the patience to wait for Him to open the doors for the next step in life's journey that He has already prepared for you; steps that are filled with joyful expectation of what will come next; and steps full of inward peace: "The Path With A Heart."
In love & joy,
"For me there is only the traveling on paths that have a heart, on any path that may have heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length. And, there I travel looking, looking, breathlessly. ---The last lines of "The Path With A Heart." May you have a wondrous journey following your Path With A Heart. God bless
Monday, July 30, 2007
Your Magic Wand
Did you know you had one? We all do. Many just don't realize it. People can go through their whole life and not use it. In fact, they often use it wrongly. What a shame to waste such a gift!
What is it? It's your words. Your words are the most powerful force you have. They can build up or tear down, not only yourself but others, too. They can express fear, worry, and other negative emotions that stop you your tracts unable to go forward.
If you have a mind filled with worry, you can't have a mind filled with faith and courage. They can't occupy the same space. Choose-choose wisely what you say with your mouth and the thoughts that run around in your head. Fear just brings about mental paralysis which will prevent you from taking the steps which can enable you to overcome fear. It becomes a vicious circle that only you can change.
Use your magic wand. Use it for good. Eliminate fear. TRUST your heavenly Father. Let go and let God without question. Learn to live in the mystery of God. It's a wonderful journey if you choose to accept it. Live and speak only love, joy, and faith.
God bless,
What is it? It's your words. Your words are the most powerful force you have. They can build up or tear down, not only yourself but others, too. They can express fear, worry, and other negative emotions that stop you your tracts unable to go forward.
If you have a mind filled with worry, you can't have a mind filled with faith and courage. They can't occupy the same space. Choose-choose wisely what you say with your mouth and the thoughts that run around in your head. Fear just brings about mental paralysis which will prevent you from taking the steps which can enable you to overcome fear. It becomes a vicious circle that only you can change.
Use your magic wand. Use it for good. Eliminate fear. TRUST your heavenly Father. Let go and let God without question. Learn to live in the mystery of God. It's a wonderful journey if you choose to accept it. Live and speak only love, joy, and faith.
God bless,
Father God,
Magic Wand
Sunday, July 29, 2007
"Father, We Thank Thee"
Wishing you a beautiful Sunday...
“We Thank Thee”
For the flowers that bloom about our feet;
For the song of bird and the hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear and see,
Father in heaven we thank Thee!
For the blue of the stream and the blue of the sky;
For the pleasant shade of branches high;
For the fragrant air and the cooling breeze;
For the beauty of the blooming trees,
Father in heaven we thank Thee!
For the mother-love and father -care,
For brothers strong and sisters fair;
For the love at home and here each day;
For guidance lest we go astray,
Father in heaven we thank Thee!
For this new morning with its light;
For rest and shelter of the night;
For health and food, for love and friends;
For everything His goodness sends,
Father in heaven we Thank Thee! –Ralph Waldo Emerson
For the flowers that bloom about our feet;
For the song of bird and the hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear and see,
Father in heaven we thank Thee!
For the blue of the stream and the blue of the sky;
For the pleasant shade of branches high;
For the fragrant air and the cooling breeze;
For the beauty of the blooming trees,
Father in heaven we thank Thee!
For the mother-love and father -care,
For brothers strong and sisters fair;
For the love at home and here each day;
For guidance lest we go astray,
Father in heaven we thank Thee!
For this new morning with its light;
For rest and shelter of the night;
For health and food, for love and friends;
For everything His goodness sends,
Father in heaven we Thank Thee! –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Saturday, July 28, 2007
"I Asked God"
How are you today? I was pondering on my post for today and looked over at a little plaque that my aunt had. It reads:
What a wonderful saying. It reminds us that we have everything we need: We have life. And, no matter what comes our way, the altitude of our attitude and our gratefulness can change even the most dire circumstances.
Look at life with an expectancy for good and an inner joy; a knowing that you are always in the Potter's hands and exactly where you need to be for each and every moment. If you do that, you'll have inner "peace that passes understanding"; you'll have unconditional love and acceptance for all and yourself; and you will "enjoy all things."
God bless you, and have a beautiful day.
In love & joy,
I asked God for all things,
That I might enjoy life.
He gave me life,
That I might enjoy all things.
What a wonderful saying. It reminds us that we have everything we need: We have life. And, no matter what comes our way, the altitude of our attitude and our gratefulness can change even the most dire circumstances.
Look at life with an expectancy for good and an inner joy; a knowing that you are always in the Potter's hands and exactly where you need to be for each and every moment. If you do that, you'll have inner "peace that passes understanding"; you'll have unconditional love and acceptance for all and yourself; and you will "enjoy all things."
God bless you, and have a beautiful day.
In love & joy,
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Take the Time to Love
It is so good to be back. I've missed blogging and sharing "possibilities" with you. I was with my dear, sweet, 94 year old aunt while she was ill, and when she passed on a few weeks later. I will miss her for we were very close. I took off a few weeks to reflect and spend time with the family.
Life takes twists and turns along the road of life. Being with someone who is in their last days on the earth gives one new perspectives on life in general. I was going through her humble possessions and shedding copius tears in remembering many joyous moments together. As I looked up, I saw a little piece of paper on the side of a cabinet that I hadn't noticed being there before. It said "Life goes on." And, it was in her own handwriting. Wow, in that moment I desparately needed that advice from her.
Love those who are around you. Take the time to call or write those who aren't. If there is time for anything, there is time for love. Make time to share a hug; time to listen to a friend; time to smile at someone. Take time today to stop for a moment and just be thankful. Life, no matter how long it is, even 94 years, is still too short. Don't miss out on what's truly important-loving people.
May you have a life that is long, filled with music, laughter, joy, and love.
God bless you,
Life takes twists and turns along the road of life. Being with someone who is in their last days on the earth gives one new perspectives on life in general. I was going through her humble possessions and shedding copius tears in remembering many joyous moments together. As I looked up, I saw a little piece of paper on the side of a cabinet that I hadn't noticed being there before. It said "Life goes on." And, it was in her own handwriting. Wow, in that moment I desparately needed that advice from her.
Love those who are around you. Take the time to call or write those who aren't. If there is time for anything, there is time for love. Make time to share a hug; time to listen to a friend; time to smile at someone. Take time today to stop for a moment and just be thankful. Life, no matter how long it is, even 94 years, is still too short. Don't miss out on what's truly important-loving people.
May you have a life that is long, filled with music, laughter, joy, and love.
God bless you,
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The Most Interesting Feature of Worry
Ralph Waldo Trine once said, " The most interesting feature of worry, as well as the most astonishing when we examine carefully into it, is the fact that through it nothing is ever gained, but on the other hand, everything is lost."
What do we lose? We lose time, our physical well-being, mental well-being, and even our looks over worry. Lines appear on our face in the course of consistent worry. Is it worth it, especially when it is a fact that the majority of the things we worry about NEVER happen? What a price we pay!
Trust God, be joyful, have peace that passes understanding, and know that you are in good hands. He won't let you down.
Be happy, Donna
P.S. I am going to have to take a pause in posting for several days to be with my dear aunt who is in the hospital. So, till my next post-LIVE IN JOY!! God bless you.
What do we lose? We lose time, our physical well-being, mental well-being, and even our looks over worry. Lines appear on our face in the course of consistent worry. Is it worth it, especially when it is a fact that the majority of the things we worry about NEVER happen? What a price we pay!
Trust God, be joyful, have peace that passes understanding, and know that you are in good hands. He won't let you down.
Be happy, Donna
P.S. I am going to have to take a pause in posting for several days to be with my dear aunt who is in the hospital. So, till my next post-LIVE IN JOY!! God bless you.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Look at Obstacles as Stepping Stones
Have you ever had things come up in your life that seemed so overwhelming that you thought, "I just can't handle this"? I know I have.
Something that helped me was to think of the circumstance as flat stepping stones rather than boulders I would trip and fall over. Just as a seeds often struggle to push through hard soil to come up to greet the sun and grow, our struggles can be blessings in disguise to help us grow.
God works in mysterious ways. It's what the Bible tells us; that's just the way it is. If there is a struggle, greet it as a stepping stone to your growth. Know that God is with you, and what is happening is just a way to take you a step further on your path of life. Be assured that He'll carry you through whatever you're facing. Don't give up. Look at life joyfully, have faith, and walk on top of the stepping stones of life, one step at a time.
God loves you,
Something that helped me was to think of the circumstance as flat stepping stones rather than boulders I would trip and fall over. Just as a seeds often struggle to push through hard soil to come up to greet the sun and grow, our struggles can be blessings in disguise to help us grow.
God works in mysterious ways. It's what the Bible tells us; that's just the way it is. If there is a struggle, greet it as a stepping stone to your growth. Know that God is with you, and what is happening is just a way to take you a step further on your path of life. Be assured that He'll carry you through whatever you're facing. Don't give up. Look at life joyfully, have faith, and walk on top of the stepping stones of life, one step at a time.
God loves you,
Friday, April 27, 2007
Be Undisturbed
God is waiting for you to say,"I am undisturbed by _____. I trust that You will take care of _____, and nothing-not a thing- moves me to be fearful or worry and doubt your eternal care."
That's what God was waiting for the Israelites to say when they first faced the "Land of milk and honey." However, in their eyes, they, also faced "giants" that they felt were too big and scary for them to go up against.
Oh, how things would have changed had they completely trusted God's strong arms to carry them through the perceived danger. He would have, you know. Instead, they were fearful and took themselves out of God's arms. The rest of the story we all know.
Don't deprive yourself of your land flowing with milk and honey. Trust and believe God. Nothing is impossible for Him. Jesus told us that. Be undisturbed by your circumstances: Let go and let God.
In love and joy,
That's what God was waiting for the Israelites to say when they first faced the "Land of milk and honey." However, in their eyes, they, also faced "giants" that they felt were too big and scary for them to go up against.
Oh, how things would have changed had they completely trusted God's strong arms to carry them through the perceived danger. He would have, you know. Instead, they were fearful and took themselves out of God's arms. The rest of the story we all know.
Don't deprive yourself of your land flowing with milk and honey. Trust and believe God. Nothing is impossible for Him. Jesus told us that. Be undisturbed by your circumstances: Let go and let God.
In love and joy,
Thursday, April 26, 2007
The Golden Rule
Jesus wrote of the Golden Rule. Yes, it can be found at Matthew 7:12: "Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the law." It's so simple, yet so apropos for these days of turmoil.
There is a poem, What We Learned in Kindergarten. They were all those simple little rules to live by that we were taught that could carry us through our whole life, most of which told us to just be nice to one another.
Here's a little poem on this thought:
"If you'd help the world a bit,
Do as you'd be done by:
If you'd help to brighten it,
Do as you'd be done by;
If you have a blessing, let
Someone share it; don't forget,
Selfishness will bring regret;--
Do as you'd be done by.
So, simply do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. The Golden Rule is summed up in just one little word-Love.
In love-God bless you,
There is a poem, What We Learned in Kindergarten. They were all those simple little rules to live by that we were taught that could carry us through our whole life, most of which told us to just be nice to one another.
Here's a little poem on this thought:
"If you'd help the world a bit,
Do as you'd be done by:
If you'd help to brighten it,
Do as you'd be done by;
If you have a blessing, let
Someone share it; don't forget,
Selfishness will bring regret;--
Do as you'd be done by.
So, simply do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. The Golden Rule is summed up in just one little word-Love.
In love-God bless you,
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
God's Got Strong Arms
There's a scripture in Deut. 33:27 which reads, "The Eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. and he will thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.""
The arm of God symbolizes protection for us. The scriptural words used was one way to help us to visualize His power. God's arm, also, symbolizes strength. If you can just realize that God reaches out to you to hold you up under all circumstances, you could then relax, let go, and let God. It's the ability to be like King Jehosophat.
The king and his kingdom knew great armies were coming against them, and so he prayed to God for direction. Jehosophat told God they felt powerless before the great multitude but that their "eyes were on Him." As they stood looking out over the approaching armies, God's Spirit through a prophet said, "Stand and watch the salvation of the Lord on your behalf. Do not fear or be dismayed for the Lord is with you!"
God literally took over. The enemies were defeated miraculously while the king's people gave thanks for God's lovingkindness and sang praises. Afterward, King Jehosophat sent his men down to collect the spoils. It is an amazing story that can be found at 2 Chronicles 20:12-25.
Can we stand back in faith and trust allowing God to work in our lives? Believe in God's power and be miracle minded. Ask for direction believing, and God's arms will lift and carry you through your problems to victory.
In love and joy,
The arm of God symbolizes protection for us. The scriptural words used was one way to help us to visualize His power. God's arm, also, symbolizes strength. If you can just realize that God reaches out to you to hold you up under all circumstances, you could then relax, let go, and let God. It's the ability to be like King Jehosophat.
The king and his kingdom knew great armies were coming against them, and so he prayed to God for direction. Jehosophat told God they felt powerless before the great multitude but that their "eyes were on Him." As they stood looking out over the approaching armies, God's Spirit through a prophet said, "Stand and watch the salvation of the Lord on your behalf. Do not fear or be dismayed for the Lord is with you!"
God literally took over. The enemies were defeated miraculously while the king's people gave thanks for God's lovingkindness and sang praises. Afterward, King Jehosophat sent his men down to collect the spoils. It is an amazing story that can be found at 2 Chronicles 20:12-25.
Can we stand back in faith and trust allowing God to work in our lives? Believe in God's power and be miracle minded. Ask for direction believing, and God's arms will lift and carry you through your problems to victory.
In love and joy,
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Faith is Expectancy
I've posted on faith and Hebrews 11:1: "Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for though the evidence is unseen." Faith is expectancy of things hoped for without seeing the outcome.
Matthew 9:29 says, "According to your faith be it unto you." Another way to say this is : According to your expectancies be it done unto you. So, what are you expecting?
Are you expecting the worst consciously or even unconsciously? Are you one who says things like, "I don't know, it certainly looks bad."
Change your expectancies! Instead of expecting loss, failure, or lack, expect good, happiness, and abundance. God can make a way when there is no way. That's believing and having trust in your Heavenly Father. Get excited. God acts through our joy which is our strength. He sympathizes in our tears, but it's our joy and unwavering faith that, Jesus says, moves mountains!
More tomorrow...Until then, be miracle minded.
In love and joy,
Matthew 9:29 says, "According to your faith be it unto you." Another way to say this is : According to your expectancies be it done unto you. So, what are you expecting?
Are you expecting the worst consciously or even unconsciously? Are you one who says things like, "I don't know, it certainly looks bad."
Change your expectancies! Instead of expecting loss, failure, or lack, expect good, happiness, and abundance. God can make a way when there is no way. That's believing and having trust in your Heavenly Father. Get excited. God acts through our joy which is our strength. He sympathizes in our tears, but it's our joy and unwavering faith that, Jesus says, moves mountains!
More tomorrow...Until then, be miracle minded.
In love and joy,
Monday, April 23, 2007
Don't Reason Too Much
People have a way of reasoning away their blessings. The reasoning mind and will often causes a short circuit in the path of receiving blessings. Most are filled with fear when there is nothing visible to hang on to.
Simply pray, believe, and TRUST. The trusting is the hard part that most people fail to do.
Remember: You needn't worry having God to back you up. Just trust Him
God bless you,
Simply pray, believe, and TRUST. The trusting is the hard part that most people fail to do.
Remember: You needn't worry having God to back you up. Just trust Him
God bless you,
Sunday, April 22, 2007
The Lord Is My Shepard-cont'd
Yesterday's post was regarding, "The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want," from the 23rd Psalms. When you get into the mindset that the Lord is really your Shepard, you will come to the full realization that your supply will be met.
Say that scripture to yourself and truly mean it. Say it several times a day. Feel the words. Don't let old Mr. Doubt creep into one thought you have.
When there is a need, is your first thought that of worry and fear? Or, is it complete trust that "I shall not want"? Put your faith thought out there first, not last. God never changes. He never lies. It all depends on our faith and trust that He is our Father, we are His children, and His love never fails. So don't allow Mr. Doubt into your life. Only you can stop him, and kick him out for good.
God bless you-Live in joy and prosperity,
Say that scripture to yourself and truly mean it. Say it several times a day. Feel the words. Don't let old Mr. Doubt creep into one thought you have.
When there is a need, is your first thought that of worry and fear? Or, is it complete trust that "I shall not want"? Put your faith thought out there first, not last. God never changes. He never lies. It all depends on our faith and trust that He is our Father, we are His children, and His love never fails. So don't allow Mr. Doubt into your life. Only you can stop him, and kick him out for good.
God bless you-Live in joy and prosperity,
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Psalms 23:1, "The Lord Is My Shepard, I Shall Not Want."
I love the 23rd Psalms. More people have gotten comfort from this passage. There have been some people, however, that have been taught that the above scripture at Psalms 23:1, means that should not desire anything materially.
Upon hearing this, I had to post regarding this scripture. I have said before that I am passionate about word origins. And, when it says " I shall not want," want definitely means "lack," and we can substitute that word in the scripture and say, "I shall not lack."
Our Infinite Father wants us to live in prosperity or wholeness: Wholeness spiritually, physically, and materially. He said He would give us the desires of our heart. Humans were made to have the desires of their heart,made to dream, and to have dreams fulfilled. It's what makes life full and exciting. And, the word "shall" means absolutely or definitely without any doubt whatsoever.
Open up to the abundance of this life that is yours by divine right. Know that God loves you...
More tomorrow...
Till then, have a beautiful evening,
Upon hearing this, I had to post regarding this scripture. I have said before that I am passionate about word origins. And, when it says " I shall not want," want definitely means "lack," and we can substitute that word in the scripture and say, "I shall not lack."
Our Infinite Father wants us to live in prosperity or wholeness: Wholeness spiritually, physically, and materially. He said He would give us the desires of our heart. Humans were made to have the desires of their heart,made to dream, and to have dreams fulfilled. It's what makes life full and exciting. And, the word "shall" means absolutely or definitely without any doubt whatsoever.
Open up to the abundance of this life that is yours by divine right. Know that God loves you...
More tomorrow...
Till then, have a beautiful evening,
Friday, April 20, 2007
Earth Month
This post is dedicated to Earth Month and the upcoming Earth Day, April 22nd. I can't help but bring attention to this event. In order to truly Live in Joy on this beautiful planet we all call home, our home has to be the best we can possibly help to make it.
The scripture in Genesis 2:14, says."Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it."
That word "keep" is a very special word. It means to care for something so gently and so completely. It means to make sure that no harm comes to it, to cherish it. That was the command that God gave to man. That was man's responsibility, our responsibility.
Let's all take notice of the things that are happening to our "home" which is the only one we have, and do what we can to "keep it." What we do to the earth, we do to ourselves. By making sure we do our part, we will not only live in joy here, but we will give our children, grandchildren, and future generations to come a beautiful, safe, healthy world in which to live and enjoy life as we have had the priviledge of doing.
Here are some links to help you to Live Green in order to take care of our home: -Where you can get Solar Energy with NO System or maintenance cost! Adopting solar just makes sense! It's clean and always accessible. - Where you can get an easy way to save up to 25% or more on your electric bills and reduce the hazardous EMF's in your home at the same time. - A blog to inform of the developments in environmental issues, more links, and tips.
emailto: - Contact us if you have any questions or comments. We'd love to hear from you.
We can stop Global Warming and keep the earth beautiful; however, we can only make a difference by working together and making changes NOW.
God bless you,
The scripture in Genesis 2:14, says."Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it."
That word "keep" is a very special word. It means to care for something so gently and so completely. It means to make sure that no harm comes to it, to cherish it. That was the command that God gave to man. That was man's responsibility, our responsibility.
Let's all take notice of the things that are happening to our "home" which is the only one we have, and do what we can to "keep it." What we do to the earth, we do to ourselves. By making sure we do our part, we will not only live in joy here, but we will give our children, grandchildren, and future generations to come a beautiful, safe, healthy world in which to live and enjoy life as we have had the priviledge of doing.
Here are some links to help you to Live Green in order to take care of our home: -Where you can get Solar Energy with NO System or maintenance cost! Adopting solar just makes sense! It's clean and always accessible. - Where you can get an easy way to save up to 25% or more on your electric bills and reduce the hazardous EMF's in your home at the same time. - A blog to inform of the developments in environmental issues, more links, and tips.
emailto: - Contact us if you have any questions or comments. We'd love to hear from you.
We can stop Global Warming and keep the earth beautiful; however, we can only make a difference by working together and making changes NOW.
God bless you,
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Count the Day Well Spent
If we sit down at set of sun
And count the things that we have done,
And after counting find
One self-denying act, one word
That eased the heart of him who heard,
One glance most kind,
That fell like sunshine where it went,
Then we may count the day well spent.
In a world such as what we have seen in the last week, give a kind word or deed to someone least expecting it so as to spread a glimmer of hope to them. Thousands of glimmers make a beam of light. Let's bring love, hope, faith back into the lives of those who so desparately need it.
In love & joy,
And count the things that we have done,
And after counting find
One self-denying act, one word
That eased the heart of him who heard,
One glance most kind,
That fell like sunshine where it went,
Then we may count the day well spent.
In a world such as what we have seen in the last week, give a kind word or deed to someone least expecting it so as to spread a glimmer of hope to them. Thousands of glimmers make a beam of light. Let's bring love, hope, faith back into the lives of those who so desparately need it.
In love & joy,
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
In these days of such tragedy such as we have seen at Virginia Tech, we have to build one another up, embrace one another, and send love to every person we meet. Love is stronger than hate, and love will triumph in the end. Here's a little thought for the day.
If I could climb to heavenly heights,
And beg one gift from the white-winged choir
I would not ask a greater boon
Than the power to inspire,
To lift by timely words and acts
The weak from day to day,
To point them to a higher life
To brighten all their way.
Inspire and life one another up. Let everyone see God in you.
God be with you,
If I could climb to heavenly heights,
And beg one gift from the white-winged choir
I would not ask a greater boon
Than the power to inspire,
To lift by timely words and acts
The weak from day to day,
To point them to a higher life
To brighten all their way.
Inspire and life one another up. Let everyone see God in you.
God be with you,
Just a Little Word
If any little word of mine
May make a life the brighter,
If any little song of mine
May make a heart the lighter,
God help me speak the little word
And take my bit of singing,
And drop it in some lonely vale
To set the echoes ringing.
If any little love of mine
May make a life the sweeter,
If any little care of mine
May make a friend's the fleeter,
If any lift of mine may ease
The burden of another,
God give me love and care and strength
To help my toiling brother.
Your words and deeds can lift another person high above his cares. Help someone today to build his faith in God and mankind, and yours will be strengthened, also.
Love to you,
May make a life the brighter,
If any little song of mine
May make a heart the lighter,
God help me speak the little word
And take my bit of singing,
And drop it in some lonely vale
To set the echoes ringing.
If any little love of mine
May make a life the sweeter,
If any little care of mine
May make a friend's the fleeter,
If any lift of mine may ease
The burden of another,
God give me love and care and strength
To help my toiling brother.
Your words and deeds can lift another person high above his cares. Help someone today to build his faith in God and mankind, and yours will be strengthened, also.
Love to you,
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Prayers for Virginia Tech
Yesterday saw great tragedy in loss of friends and family of many at Virginia Tech. I am saddened and shocked, as everyone is, that such a thing has happened.
I send my deepest condolences and prayers to all who have lost those dear to them. I hope the sentiments of James Whitcomb Riley will be of some solace.
I cannot say, and I will not say
That he is dead. He is just away!
With a cheery smile, and a wave of his hand
He has wandered into an unknown land
And left us dreaming how very fair
Its needs must be, since he lingers there.
And you--oh, who the wildest yearn
For his step, and the glad return--
Think of him faring on, as dear
In the love of There, as the love of Here.
Think of him still as the same, I say,
he is not dead--he is just away.
God bless you and keep you all and them in His most tender care.
With much love,
I cannot say, and I will not say
That he is dead. He is just away!
With a cheery smile, and a wave of his hand
He has wandered into an unknown land
And left us dreaming how very fair
Its needs must be, since he lingers there.
And you--oh, who the wildest yearn
For his step, and the glad return--
Think of him faring on, as dear
In the love of There, as the love of Here.
Think of him still as the same, I say,
he is not dead--he is just away.
God bless you and keep you all and them in His most tender care.
With much love,
Monday, April 16, 2007
Rule for Happiness
This poem is so simple. Written by Kant, "Rule for Happiness" couldn't have been said any better:
Something to do,
Some one to love,
Something to hope for.
Happiness doesn't come from the outside. It comes from within. We don't have to have a specific reason or receive something material to be happy. True happiness comes from a continual inward state of joyousness and contentment and a bright outlook as we greet every new day with hope. More often than not, it takes some time to develop that happiness from within but it is so worth the effort. Be patient with yourself in the process, because then no matter what occurs in life, that inner happiness is always there to light your way.
Stay happy; live in joy,
Something to do,
Some one to love,
Something to hope for.
Happiness doesn't come from the outside. It comes from within. We don't have to have a specific reason or receive something material to be happy. True happiness comes from a continual inward state of joyousness and contentment and a bright outlook as we greet every new day with hope. More often than not, it takes some time to develop that happiness from within but it is so worth the effort. Be patient with yourself in the process, because then no matter what occurs in life, that inner happiness is always there to light your way.
Stay happy; live in joy,
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Cheerfulness Brings A Better Tomorrow
There's wisdom in having joy despite outward circumstances. Scripturally that is what we are encouraged to do. It's part of having faith: Standing instead of giving up. Here is a poem that exemplifies this:
Thank God for the man who is cheerful
In spite of life's troubles, I say;
Who sings of a bright tomorrow,
because of the clouds of today.
His life is a beautiful sermon,
And this is the lesson to me--
Meet trials with smiles and they vanish;
Face cares with a song and they flee.
Have joy in the Lord for it's our stength.
God bless you,
Thank God for the man who is cheerful
In spite of life's troubles, I say;
Who sings of a bright tomorrow,
because of the clouds of today.
His life is a beautiful sermon,
And this is the lesson to me--
Meet trials with smiles and they vanish;
Face cares with a song and they flee.
Have joy in the Lord for it's our stength.
God bless you,
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Make Each Morning A Fresh Beginning
You know each morning is a fresh beginning in life. In a sense there is no past, no future. Wise is the person who takes today and lives it, and tomorrow when it comes, but not before it comes.
The past is of no value except by the values and lessons it has taught us. If we learn anything, learn that there should be no regrests or crippled energies that result from regrets. Too many live in the past, always looking in the rear view mirror of life.
If we have stumbled or made mistakes, remember that all have done so at one time or another. No one's perfect. Don't allow yourself to be discouraged in the face of them. It's the person who gives himself time to recognize the cause of his mistakes, who quickly learns his lesson, and who then picks himself up and goes on without wasting even a moment on regrets who is wise. After all, sometimes it is through the stumblings that we learn the most, and your stumblings can actually become an asset to you. Keep a goin' and don't look back!
In love and joy,
The past is of no value except by the values and lessons it has taught us. If we learn anything, learn that there should be no regrests or crippled energies that result from regrets. Too many live in the past, always looking in the rear view mirror of life.
If we have stumbled or made mistakes, remember that all have done so at one time or another. No one's perfect. Don't allow yourself to be discouraged in the face of them. It's the person who gives himself time to recognize the cause of his mistakes, who quickly learns his lesson, and who then picks himself up and goes on without wasting even a moment on regrets who is wise. After all, sometimes it is through the stumblings that we learn the most, and your stumblings can actually become an asset to you. Keep a goin' and don't look back!
In love and joy,
Friday, April 13, 2007
Do Good for Others
Joy can be had from simply doing good for your fellow man.
John Wesley said it best in the following poem:
"Do all the good you can
By all the means you can,
in all the places you can
At all the times you can,
As long as ever you can."
Have a great day. It's getting a bit chilly and windy in many places. So stay warm and dry wherever you are.
John Wesley said it best in the following poem:
"Do all the good you can
By all the means you can,
in all the places you can
At all the times you can,
As long as ever you can."
Have a great day. It's getting a bit chilly and windy in many places. So stay warm and dry wherever you are.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Footprints on the Sands of Time
Lives of great men all remind us,
We may make our lives sublime;
And, departing, leave behind us,
Footprints on the sands of time;
Footprints, that perhaps another
Travelling o'er life's solemn main:
Some forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, may take heart again.--Longfellow
Have a great day,
We may make our lives sublime;
And, departing, leave behind us,
Footprints on the sands of time;
Footprints, that perhaps another
Travelling o'er life's solemn main:
Some forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, may take heart again.--Longfellow
Have a great day,
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Faith Is...
Several have written me expressing doubts about faith. I have heard, "I pray, but nothing happens."
You know the scripture in Hebrews 11:1 says,"Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for though the evidence is not yet beheld." That is just one translation's rendition.
Faith is believing though the outcome is not seen. It's trusting without evidence. If we could see the outcome, it wouldn't be by faith, would it?
The secret is to really let go and let God. It's not by praying and then worrying. It's not by praying and then taking the problem back into our own hands, or trying to figure the problem out ourselves after we've prayed. If we do that, we might as well say, "You're not big enough to take care of me, God."
Take the problem to God and then rejoice, thanking Him. Praise Him, and know that all is well. Have a sweet night's rest free from worry. "Feel" at peace and cared for.
God loves you,
You know the scripture in Hebrews 11:1 says,"Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for though the evidence is not yet beheld." That is just one translation's rendition.
Faith is believing though the outcome is not seen. It's trusting without evidence. If we could see the outcome, it wouldn't be by faith, would it?
The secret is to really let go and let God. It's not by praying and then worrying. It's not by praying and then taking the problem back into our own hands, or trying to figure the problem out ourselves after we've prayed. If we do that, we might as well say, "You're not big enough to take care of me, God."
Take the problem to God and then rejoice, thanking Him. Praise Him, and know that all is well. Have a sweet night's rest free from worry. "Feel" at peace and cared for.
God loves you,
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Good Advice from A Well-Known Author
We are all familiar with the writings of Louisa May Alcott. This author had some good advice when she wrote this so many years ago:
"It's part of my religion to look well after the cheerfulness of life, and let the dismals shift for themselves, believing, with good Sir Thomas More, that it is wise to be 'merrie in God.'"
Let your "dismals" fade away. Stay cheerful and "merrie in God" so that your days will be on the brightside of life.
Have a good day,
"It's part of my religion to look well after the cheerfulness of life, and let the dismals shift for themselves, believing, with good Sir Thomas More, that it is wise to be 'merrie in God.'"
Let your "dismals" fade away. Stay cheerful and "merrie in God" so that your days will be on the brightside of life.
Have a good day,
Monday, April 09, 2007
Meet Trials with Smiles
There was a saying years ago that holds true for all of us today:
Thank God for the man who is cheerful
In spite of life's troubles, I say;
Who sings of a bright tomorrow,
Because of the clouds of today.
His life is a beautiful sermon,
And this is a lesson to me---
Meet trials with smiles and they vanish;
Face cares with a song and they flee.
Just be joyful. And, the more you are joyful, the more good things will come your way.
In love & joy,
Thank God for the man who is cheerful
In spite of life's troubles, I say;
Who sings of a bright tomorrow,
Because of the clouds of today.
His life is a beautiful sermon,
And this is a lesson to me---
Meet trials with smiles and they vanish;
Face cares with a song and they flee.
Just be joyful. And, the more you are joyful, the more good things will come your way.
In love & joy,
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Holiday to You
Wishing you a safe, blessed Easter/Resurrection Day wherever you are.
God bless you,
God bless you,
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Magic of A Song
"Sing and the whole world sings with you." Do you remember those lyrics? When you feel down, let your spirit soar by singing a song. Don't worry if you can't carry a tune. God and the angels don't care. Every one of our songs is beautiful to them. So sing your heart out and do so with joy-Rejoice!
Now don't forget, when things go worng,
To try the magic of a song.
A cheerful heart, and a smiling face
Pour sunshine in the darkest place.
God loves you, and so do I,
Now don't forget, when things go worng,
To try the magic of a song.
A cheerful heart, and a smiling face
Pour sunshine in the darkest place.
God loves you, and so do I,
Friday, April 06, 2007
Keep a Goin'
Whatever you're facing; whatever you're problems, as this poem says, "keep a goin'" and don't give up. It's usually right when we feel like quitting, that we're so close to having everything work out. Remember, God's in charge. He Loves you, so Keep a Goin'!
If you strike a thorn or rose
Keep a goin'.
If it hails or snows,
Keep a goin'.
'Taint no use to sit an' whine,
When the fish ain't on the line,
Bait your hook an' keep a tryin',
Keep a goin'.
When it looks like all is up,
Keep a goin'.
Drain the sweetness from the cup,
Keep a goin'.
See the wild bird on the wing,
Hear the bells that sweetly ring,
When you feel like sighin', SING,
In love and joy to you,
If you strike a thorn or rose
Keep a goin'.
If it hails or snows,
Keep a goin'.
'Taint no use to sit an' whine,
When the fish ain't on the line,
Bait your hook an' keep a tryin',
Keep a goin'.
When it looks like all is up,
Keep a goin'.
Drain the sweetness from the cup,
Keep a goin'.
See the wild bird on the wing,
Hear the bells that sweetly ring,
When you feel like sighin', SING,
In love and joy to you,
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Do It Now
Today-Your "today" is the most important day to you. Live each day as it comes along with as much gusto and joy as you can possibly give it.
If you have hard work to do,
Do it now
Today the skies are clear and blue,
Tomorrow clouds may come into view,
Yesterday is not for you;
Do it Now!
If you have a song to sing,
Sing it now.
Let the notes of gladness ring
Clear as song of birds in spring,
Let every day some music bring;
Sing it now!
If you have kind words to say,
Say them now.
Tomorrow may not come your way,
Do a kindness while you may,
Loved ones will not always stay;
Say them now!
If you have a smile to show,
Show it now.
Make hearts happy, --roses grow,
Let the friends around you know
The love you feel before they go;
Show it now!
God bless,
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Everyone Can Give This Gift Everyday
"If, instead of a gem or flower, we could cast the gift of a lovely thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give."-George McDonald
Everyday you can send someone a lovely thought. It doesn't cost anything; however, it will mean so much to them.
God bless,
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Pass It On
Do you remember a movie that was made not too long ago, Pay It Forward? If you do, I have a poem that I hope you'll enjoy.
Pass It On
Have you had a kindness shown?
Pass it on;
'Twas not given for you alone,
Pass it on;
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another's tears,
Till in heaven the deed appears---
Pass it on.
Did you hear a loving word?
Pass it on;
Like the singing of a bird?
Pass it on;
Let its music live and grow,
Let it cheer another's woe;
You have reaped what others sow,
Pass it on.
Be not selfish, don't show greed,
Pass it on;
Look upon your brother's need,
Pass it on;
Live for self, you live in vain;
Live for Christ, you live again;
Live for Him, with Him you reign--
Pass it on!
Pass your love around,
Monday, April 02, 2007
Squeeze A Laugh
To go along with yesterday's post, here's another to remember about the importance of laughter:
Why in the world do you want to carry
Things that annoy and harrass and harry?
Stop them and drop them, a new day is here,
Squeeze a laugh from it instead of a tear.--Herbert Kaufman
A wise man from the past said that "man was meant for laughter, not tears." There is great wisdom in those words since laughter is nature's medicine for the soul. We stay healthier and have more mental fortitude by being happy and joyful, and by turning the lemons of life into lemonade.
As Byron wrote:
"Always laugh when you can;
It is cheap medicine.
merriment is a philosophy not well understood.
It is the sunny side of existence."
Stay joyful.
Why in the world do you want to carry
Things that annoy and harrass and harry?
Stop them and drop them, a new day is here,
Squeeze a laugh from it instead of a tear.--Herbert Kaufman
A wise man from the past said that "man was meant for laughter, not tears." There is great wisdom in those words since laughter is nature's medicine for the soul. We stay healthier and have more mental fortitude by being happy and joyful, and by turning the lemons of life into lemonade.
As Byron wrote:
"Always laugh when you can;
It is cheap medicine.
merriment is a philosophy not well understood.
It is the sunny side of existence."
Stay joyful.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
A Recipe for Sanity
Sometimes our days can be a little stressful. As we go into a new week, I hope that this little poem will be brought to mind when you get into situations that tests your patience.
A Recipe for Sanity
Are you worsted in a fight?
Laugh it off.
Are you cheated of your right?
Laugh it off.
Don't make tragedy of trifles,
Don't shoot butterflies with rifles--
Laugh it off.
Does your work get into kinks?
Laught it off.
Are you near all sorts of brinks?
laugh it off.
If it's sanity you're after,
There's no recipe like laughter--
Laugh it off.
Have a great week,
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Secret of Happiness
One of the secrets of happiness known through out the years is to set abot the task of making every person we come in contact with better for knowing us--more cheerful, more courageous, and with greater faith in the knidness of God and man. In that moment, we begin to attain personal happiness for making the world around us a better place.
"He who goes forth bent upon always being kind, always helpful in the little daily events of life, will find skies tinted with gold, all his nights set with stars, unexpected flowers of pleasure springing forth up in his pathways, and all his tears shall turn into smiles."
As Byron once said,
"To have joy, one must share it,
Happiness is a twin."
Share your joy with others, and happiness will follow you,
"He who goes forth bent upon always being kind, always helpful in the little daily events of life, will find skies tinted with gold, all his nights set with stars, unexpected flowers of pleasure springing forth up in his pathways, and all his tears shall turn into smiles."
As Byron once said,
"To have joy, one must share it,
Happiness is a twin."
Share your joy with others, and happiness will follow you,
Friday, March 30, 2007
Just Go Day by Day
Wow, it's a beautiful spring day. Weather is getting rather warm already.
Here's a little poem to encourage you to just live one day at a time:
I heard a still, small voice at evening softly say,
"Bear not thy yesterday into tomorrow,
Nor load this week with last week's load of sorrow.
Lift all thy burdens as they come, nor try
To weigh the present with the by and by.
One step and then another, take thy way;
Live day by day.
Live day by day.
Though autumn leaves are withering round thy way
Walk in the sunshine. It is all for thee.
Push straight ahead, as long as thou canst see;
Dread not the winter wither thou mayest go,
But when it comes, be thankful for the snow.
Onward and upward. Look and smile and pray;
Live day by day."
Take one day at a time. Live it joyfully. Make no room for worry or tears; just leave everything in God's care. There's that old saying, "Don't play catch with God."
Once you give Him your cares and concerns, LEAVE THEM THERE and have peace. Now, if you've done that, go have a happy day and rejoice!
In love,
Here's a little poem to encourage you to just live one day at a time:
I heard a still, small voice at evening softly say,
"Bear not thy yesterday into tomorrow,
Nor load this week with last week's load of sorrow.
Lift all thy burdens as they come, nor try
To weigh the present with the by and by.
One step and then another, take thy way;
Live day by day.
Live day by day.
Though autumn leaves are withering round thy way
Walk in the sunshine. It is all for thee.
Push straight ahead, as long as thou canst see;
Dread not the winter wither thou mayest go,
But when it comes, be thankful for the snow.
Onward and upward. Look and smile and pray;
Live day by day."
Take one day at a time. Live it joyfully. Make no room for worry or tears; just leave everything in God's care. There's that old saying, "Don't play catch with God."
Once you give Him your cares and concerns, LEAVE THEM THERE and have peace. Now, if you've done that, go have a happy day and rejoice!
In love,
Thursday, March 29, 2007
The Spring Cleaning
Most of us are opening up our windows and letting the fresh air come in while doing our spring cleaning. Well, here's a poem for a little different kind of spring cleaning that is just as necessary, if not more so, for our life that I hope you'll enjoy:
Now open up the windows of the heart,
And let the sunshine penetrate the gloom;
Clear out the fears and doubts that grimly start
Like ghosts within the mind's dim haunted room.
Brush out the cobwebs that your malice worught,
And sweep away the grudges that you bear;
Replace each petty and ungracious thought
With one that is forgiving, true, and fair.
And when the task is finished, you will find
That happiness is destined to remain
Within the sunlit room of heart and mind,
And know your work has not been done in vain.
Have a beautiful day,
Now open up the windows of the heart,
And let the sunshine penetrate the gloom;
Clear out the fears and doubts that grimly start
Like ghosts within the mind's dim haunted room.
Brush out the cobwebs that your malice worught,
And sweep away the grudges that you bear;
Replace each petty and ungracious thought
With one that is forgiving, true, and fair.
And when the task is finished, you will find
That happiness is destined to remain
Within the sunlit room of heart and mind,
And know your work has not been done in vain.
Have a beautiful day,
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Open the Door
Open the door, let in the air,
The winds are sweet and the flowers fair;
Joy is abroad in the world today,
If our door is wide, it may come our way--
Open the door!
Open the door, let in the sun;
God hath a smile for every one;
He hath made the raindrops gold and gems,
He may change our tears to diadems---
Open the door!
Open the door of the soul; let in
Strong, pure thoughts which will banish sin;
They will grow and bloom with grace divine,
And their fruit shall be sweeter than that of the vine---
Open the door!
Open the door of the heart; let in
Empathy sweet for stranger and kin;
It will make the halls of the heart so fair
That angels may enter unaware---
Open the door!
God bless you,
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
A little saying for you:
If you think you've missed the mark,
Use a Smile;
If your life seems in the dark
Why, just Smile.
Don't give up in any fight;
There's a coming day that's bright,
There's a dawn beyond the night,
If you Smile.
If you think you've missed the mark,
Use a Smile;
If your life seems in the dark
Why, just Smile.
Don't give up in any fight;
There's a coming day that's bright,
There's a dawn beyond the night,
If you Smile.
Make it a happy day,
Monday, March 26, 2007
Words by Longfellow
"Let nothing disturb thee;
Nothing affright thee;
All things are passing;
God never changeth.
Trust God. His love never fails.
Have a lovely day,
Nothing affright thee;
All things are passing;
God never changeth.
Trust God. His love never fails.
Have a lovely day,
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Climb the Mountains
John Muir once said, "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you like sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves."
We have to climb the mountains, raise our faith level, to see clearly all the majesty that God has for us. If we stay in the lowlands, all we can see are the cares that surround us.
So rise above those cares, throw your burdens on Christ and leave them there as He tells us to do, and climb the mountains to receive good tidings and the peace of God.
Have a beauitful Sunday,
We have to climb the mountains, raise our faith level, to see clearly all the majesty that God has for us. If we stay in the lowlands, all we can see are the cares that surround us.
So rise above those cares, throw your burdens on Christ and leave them there as He tells us to do, and climb the mountains to receive good tidings and the peace of God.
Have a beauitful Sunday,
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Love is the Savour of Life
Tell me how much one loves, and I will tell you how much he has seen God. Tell me how much he loves, and I will tell you how much he lives with God in his heart. Tell me how much he loves, and will tell you how far into the Kingdom of Heaven,-the kingdom of harmony-he has entered, for "Love is the fulfilling of the law."
Love inspires love; hatred inspires hatred. Love and good will stimulate and build up the body; hatred and malice corrodes health and tears it down. Love is the savour of life:
There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave,
There are souls that are pure and true;
Then give to the world the best you have,
And the best will come back to you.
"Give love, and love to your heart will flow,
A strength in your utmost need;
Have faith, and a score of hearts will show
Their faith in your word and deed."
In love and joy for this most beautiful day,
Love inspires love; hatred inspires hatred. Love and good will stimulate and build up the body; hatred and malice corrodes health and tears it down. Love is the savour of life:
There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave,
There are souls that are pure and true;
Then give to the world the best you have,
And the best will come back to you.
"Give love, and love to your heart will flow,
A strength in your utmost need;
Have faith, and a score of hearts will show
Their faith in your word and deed."
In love and joy for this most beautiful day,
Friday, March 23, 2007
Give Him A Lift
Here is a very poignant poem about helping our fellow man.
Give him a lift! Don't kneel in prayer,
Nor moralize with his despair.
The man is down, and his need is great
Is ready help---not prayer and creed.
One grain of aid just now is more
To him than tomes of saintly lore;
Pray if you must, in your full heart,
But give him a lift--give him a start.
The world is full of good advice,
Of prayer and praise, and preaching nice;
But the generous souls who aid mankind
Are scarce as gold and hard to find.
Give like a Christian---speak in deeds.
A noble life's the best of creeds;
And he shall wear a royal crown
Who gives 'em a lift when they are down.
When someone's in need, no matter race or creed, help them. Blessings will come from above.
Love to you,
Give him a lift! Don't kneel in prayer,
Nor moralize with his despair.
The man is down, and his need is great
Is ready help---not prayer and creed.
One grain of aid just now is more
To him than tomes of saintly lore;
Pray if you must, in your full heart,
But give him a lift--give him a start.
The world is full of good advice,
Of prayer and praise, and preaching nice;
But the generous souls who aid mankind
Are scarce as gold and hard to find.
Give like a Christian---speak in deeds.
A noble life's the best of creeds;
And he shall wear a royal crown
Who gives 'em a lift when they are down.
When someone's in need, no matter race or creed, help them. Blessings will come from above.
Love to you,
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Taking Time Off-Conclusion
Whether you take time off every day to do something that you love, or you take that once a year vacation, do so with joy in your heart. Leave your cares behind! Don't worry about the house that didn't get cleaned or the extra paperwork you meant to do at the office. Put your mind as well as your body at rest and just enjoy the moment.
Busy moms absolutely need time off once in awhile. The doctor or lawyer needs to take a break. The store clerk and student needs time to recreate. No matter what your vocation or lifestyle, inorder to have joy in living, make the time to have fun. Make time to relax. It is good for your spirit and your health.
To your good health and well-being,
Busy moms absolutely need time off once in awhile. The doctor or lawyer needs to take a break. The store clerk and student needs time to recreate. No matter what your vocation or lifestyle, inorder to have joy in living, make the time to have fun. Make time to relax. It is good for your spirit and your health.
To your good health and well-being,
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Take Time off-Cont'd
The idea of taking time off is sometimes very hard for people to do. Men and women get tied up in their business and it makes it difficult to make time to get away. Parents are involved with their children and home.
Experts are agreeing, though, that to take time off is so vital for your health as well as your mental well-being. It gets one out of the ruts of life and brings new freshness to the soul.
The key, however, is to really take time off which means to get away from noise, cell phones, computers, news on TV and radio, and newspapers. Get the quiet time that you need and that your spouse and/or family needs to totally relax. Getting away with your spouse without any outside interference of any kind can really rejuvenate a relationship and bring the joy back into your marriage.
More tomorrow...
Experts are agreeing, though, that to take time off is so vital for your health as well as your mental well-being. It gets one out of the ruts of life and brings new freshness to the soul.
The key, however, is to really take time off which means to get away from noise, cell phones, computers, news on TV and radio, and newspapers. Get the quiet time that you need and that your spouse and/or family needs to totally relax. Getting away with your spouse without any outside interference of any kind can really rejuvenate a relationship and bring the joy back into your marriage.
More tomorrow...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
To Live in Joy-Take Time Off
When our complex lives get us running into grooves of constant daily activity, we are prone to miss the bigger things of life. We are apt to forget to look up into the sky and watch the stars at night or even notice that there is a sky-to watch the birds or the clouds, or even notice the beauty of the leaves budding as they are doing now.
Stop to truly listen to the birds. Their singing in the morning is delightful and cheery this time of year. Go out in your back yard or on your balcony and watch the trees swaying in the March winds. Pause for a few moments and notice everything around you. One can not live without his soul taking pause, or as Whitman put it, "Where one can loaf and invite his soul."
We need changes from our duties and cares of everyday life. They are necessary for our health and vibrant living.
More tomorrow...
Look up at the beauty of the stars tonight,
Stop to truly listen to the birds. Their singing in the morning is delightful and cheery this time of year. Go out in your back yard or on your balcony and watch the trees swaying in the March winds. Pause for a few moments and notice everything around you. One can not live without his soul taking pause, or as Whitman put it, "Where one can loaf and invite his soul."
We need changes from our duties and cares of everyday life. They are necessary for our health and vibrant living.
More tomorrow...
Look up at the beauty of the stars tonight,
Monday, March 19, 2007
Two Sayings for You
Just two little sayings for today:
"Remember that there is one thing better than making a living---making a life."
"Come over to the sunny side of life. There is room for all and it's a matter of choice." --Barnetta brown
Have a sunny day,
"Remember that there is one thing better than making a living---making a life."
"Come over to the sunny side of life. There is room for all and it's a matter of choice." --Barnetta brown
Have a sunny day,
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Just Be Tender
Just to be tender, just to be true,
Just to be glad the whole day through,
Just to be merciful, just to be mild,
Just to be trustful with faith like a child,
Just to be gentle and kind and sweet,
Just to be helpful with willing feet,
Just to be cheery when things go wrong,
Just to drive sadness away with a song,
Whether the hour is dark, or bright,
Just to be loyal to God and right,
Just to believe that God knows best,
Just in His promises ever to rest--
Just to let love sound its sweetest key,
That is God's will for you and for me.
May you have a beautiful Sunday,
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Today Is Your Day
"Now" is a wonderful word. It is the moment we have. Living in the NOW gives us power since our concentration is in the moment; it is only on today. We are not regretting the past, or worrying about what is to come in the future, which, all too often, we find never comes anyway.
Today is your day-Live it,
Words of wisdom:
"Today is your day and mine, the only day we have, the day in which we play a part. What our part may signify in the great whole, we may not understand, but we are here to play it, and now is our time. This we know, it is not cynicism. It is for us to express love in terms of helpfulness. This we know, for we have learned from sad experience that any other source of life leads towards decay and waste." ---David Starr Jordan
So live life always in the now, in the today, and joy will be yours."
Today is your day-Live it,
Words of wisdom:
"Today is your day and mine, the only day we have, the day in which we play a part. What our part may signify in the great whole, we may not understand, but we are here to play it, and now is our time. This we know, it is not cynicism. It is for us to express love in terms of helpfulness. This we know, for we have learned from sad experience that any other source of life leads towards decay and waste." ---David Starr Jordan
So live life always in the now, in the today, and joy will be yours."
Friday, March 16, 2007
Creed Worth Believing
On a the back of an old church program were printed these words:
"I will not worry.
I will not be afraid.
I will not give way to anger.
I will be kind to every man, woman, and child with whom I come in contact.
I will be cheerful and hopeful.
I will trust God and bravely face the future."
These are such simple rules to live by.
Have a great week-end.
In love and joy,
"I will not worry.
I will not be afraid.
I will not give way to anger.
I will be kind to every man, woman, and child with whom I come in contact.
I will be cheerful and hopeful.
I will trust God and bravely face the future."
These are such simple rules to live by.
Have a great week-end.
In love and joy,
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Don't Scatter Feathers
In tune with yesterday's post, there's a little story in regard to gossip.
There was a pastor who was having trouble in his little church with some of the ladies gossiping among themselves. He finally got up in the pulpit one day and related the story of a young man in a little town many years ago who took a some down filled pillows to the center of Main Street, opened them up, and scattered the feathers in the wind. They flew in every direction. A policeman came up to him and said quite sternly, "Pick up this mess, every last little feather!"
The young man replied, "I can't, they're all over. It would be impossible to pick them all up."
The pastor turned to the congregation with all seriousness in his eyes, and said, "That's the way it is with gossip. It's like taking that pillow of feathers and tossing those feathers into the wind through town. Once something is said, it just gets blown all over, in every household, and there's no taking it back."
Love one another, just as God loves you.
There was a pastor who was having trouble in his little church with some of the ladies gossiping among themselves. He finally got up in the pulpit one day and related the story of a young man in a little town many years ago who took a some down filled pillows to the center of Main Street, opened them up, and scattered the feathers in the wind. They flew in every direction. A policeman came up to him and said quite sternly, "Pick up this mess, every last little feather!"
The young man replied, "I can't, they're all over. It would be impossible to pick them all up."
The pastor turned to the congregation with all seriousness in his eyes, and said, "That's the way it is with gossip. It's like taking that pillow of feathers and tossing those feathers into the wind through town. Once something is said, it just gets blown all over, in every household, and there's no taking it back."
Love one another, just as God loves you.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Only Listen to Good-Not Gossip
There was a writer, Ada Sweet, who had many words of wisdom that it would be wise for all of us to consider. I am going to post one of them for you here today:
"Avoid the personal view, the small view, the critical and fault finding view. Run away from gossip as from a pestilence, and keep in your soul great ideals and ideals to solace solitude. They will drive out petty worries, conceits and thoughts of carking care."
Do run from gossip. You know the old saying: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck; it's a duck? Well, if it sounds like gossip, looks like gossip, and feels like gossip; it's gossip, and just walk away from it. Only listen to and share good things about one another. With that, you can't go wrong.
Live in happy thoughts,
"Avoid the personal view, the small view, the critical and fault finding view. Run away from gossip as from a pestilence, and keep in your soul great ideals and ideals to solace solitude. They will drive out petty worries, conceits and thoughts of carking care."
Do run from gossip. You know the old saying: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck; it's a duck? Well, if it sounds like gossip, looks like gossip, and feels like gossip; it's gossip, and just walk away from it. Only listen to and share good things about one another. With that, you can't go wrong.
Live in happy thoughts,
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Kindness to a Friend
A few days ago I posted that "no man can live to himself alone. There is a poem that ilustrates how kindness should be done as soon as one thinks about it. It was Charles Kingsley who said it so well:
"Friends, in this world of hurry
And work and sudden end,
If a thought comes quick of doing
A kindness to a friend,
Do it that very instant!
Don't put it off-don't wait!
What's the use of doing a kindness
If you do it a day too late!"
"Friends, in this world of hurry
And work and sudden end,
If a thought comes quick of doing
A kindness to a friend,
Do it that very instant!
Don't put it off-don't wait!
What's the use of doing a kindness
If you do it a day too late!"
Monday, March 12, 2007
As We Sow We Reap
A prolific writer once said:
"The law is universal, absolute. Every effect has a cause. As we sow, we reap.
Here are the simple facts of life. No striving, no effort of will or thought can escape them. We forget the law of sowing and reaping applies not merely to putting the hand to the grindstone, earning, and sowing from it, but, also, to the thoughts, or the spirit we send out into the world."
Tithing from our harvest or earnings is one way to sow seed. In other words, giving financially to where you are being spiritually fed. However, you, also, sow with your words, deeds, and thoughts as you go through life. The way you sow, will return to you.
Sow with love,
"The law is universal, absolute. Every effect has a cause. As we sow, we reap.
Here are the simple facts of life. No striving, no effort of will or thought can escape them. We forget the law of sowing and reaping applies not merely to putting the hand to the grindstone, earning, and sowing from it, but, also, to the thoughts, or the spirit we send out into the world."
Tithing from our harvest or earnings is one way to sow seed. In other words, giving financially to where you are being spiritually fed. However, you, also, sow with your words, deeds, and thoughts as you go through life. The way you sow, will return to you.
Sow with love,
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Just a Little Thought
Having a lovely Sunday? Just a little thought for your day:
"We are made to radiate the perfume of good cheer and happiness as much as a rose was made to radiate its sweetness to every passerby."
God bless you,
Saturday, March 10, 2007
"Hello Dolly"
There's nothing like a musical. We rented Hello Dolly last night and enjoyed every moment of it. Barbara Streisand was amazing in it.
When you need a boost of joy in your life, I suggest to rent a musical. Rent a musical that you enjoyed in your younger years. Really get into the happiness of the music and the story. Sing a-long with the actors, and have a good time. Make some pop corn, kick back, watch something happy and upbuilding, and relax. It's good for your soul.
Have a great evening,
"Relaxin' and havin' fun just puts a whole new light on everything."
Donna Kudabeck
Friday, March 09, 2007
Are You A Baby Boomer?
If you are, you're like my husband and I who are Baby Boomers: The group of adults born shortly after WWII who watched shows on those little, itty-bitty TV's which had one or two stations and the indian when there wasn't a show to view. That was a few years ago, and times have changed. We've come a long way, and we're "still here" as the song goes.
Many of the people we've met of our age look at themselves and wish they were younger again-wish they felt younger again. Do you ever long for the good ol' days and wish for the past days of youth? If so, there is a secret. If you wish to remain young, carry the joyousness and buoyancy of all those former years with you into the coming years: Be young at heart and in mind.
My husband has an analogy that I like. He says, "I hear many say,'I'm reaching on in years. The Bible says that man's life will be 3 score and 10 years,' and they just accept that that should be their lifetime as if it were written in stone. I just got tired of hearing that phrase and went back to when God was talking in Genesis, when he said that our years would be 120. I accept that. It means we're just middle age. We've got a lot of living to do!"
He has a very optimistic outlook, and I love that. That's having a thought world like Ruskin describes when he wrote, "Make yourselves nests of pleasant thoughts. None of us yet know, for none of us have been taught in early youth, what fairy palaces we may build of beautiful thought--proof against all adversity."
If you would have your body be strong, be in good health, and beautiful as in your younger years, think young. Think happy. Think love, and you will internalize those thoughts in your body. In the degree you keep young in thought, will you remain young in body. In turn your body will aid your mind, for the body helps the mind the same as the mind helps the body.
In addition, never ever stop learning new things, going to new places, and meeting new friends. Never stop playing or having fun, and laughing out loud. And, never give up on your dreams. All these things gets one out of the ruts of life, and makes everyday a new adventure-one to look forward to. Keep building your "fairy palaces of beautiful thought" no matter what your age.
Live life to the fullest everyday,
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Stop to Listen
There is a great need for silence in our life. We get so much noise by way of people, TV, and radio or CD's in the car and at home from morning till night, that it's often hard to get silence: The silence that allows us to hear-to hear from God. The following is a story that I relate to people to illustrate a lesson I've learned:
There was a man long ago who would go into the woods once a day and sit on a log with his notebook. His young son wondered why his father would go off alone and write down things that he quietly kept to himself. As his son became a young man, he asked his father about his habit of going off alone everyday. His father explained why he did that. He told him, "When I go to the woods by myself, that's my time to listen to God. I carefully write down, in proper sequence, my thoughts during that time of contemplation. Those times have given me great direction to my life. It has, also, always given me a great sense of peace when I review my notations at the end of the year. My record of my "Moments of Silence" is a confirmation and reminder to me of all the prayers that have been answered. I hope that you will learn to do the same throughout your life. It is a great gift that you can give to yourself."
I have come to learn over the years that there have been many well-known men of the past who were successful in business who sacredly kept times of silence. They would keep a notebook with them at all times to record their thoughts.
Take the time to listen to the voice within; the revelations of the soul. Write down your thoughts and senses during that time. By keeping such a record, you will find your direction and have a sense of peace knowing that God does speak if you regularly take a time to "Stop to Listen."
God be with you,
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
No Man Lives to Himself
One of the great laws of life is giving. Service for others is essential to our real happiness and to our highest welfare. No man can live to himself alone. We all call this planet home and our lives are all intricately woven together in one way or another. Share yourself and give love to all.
A fine writer, Edwin Markham, once said:
There is destiny that makes us brothers,
None goes his way alone;
All that we send into the livew of others,
Comes back into our own.
I love that little saying because it says so much.
Take care, and God bless,
A fine writer, Edwin Markham, once said:
There is destiny that makes us brothers,
None goes his way alone;
All that we send into the livew of others,
Comes back into our own.
I love that little saying because it says so much.
Take care, and God bless,
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Unconditional Love
It was President Lincoln who gave us a wonderful summary of life when he said,"After all, the one meaning of life is to be kind."
That's really very simple. Love, fellowship, empathy are all things that are the very foundation of a civilized, happy, ideal life and what makes us truly human. It is the very balance wheel of life itself. It gives us genuineness and simplicity in voice, in look, and in spirit that is so instinctively felt by us all, and to which every person universally responds. It is like the fragrance of a flower--the emanation of the soul.
If everyone displayed those characteristics, it would certainly solve a lot of the complex problems in all lines of human relations and endeavors where solutions seem nearly impossible, and it would bring order and sweetness to vast number of instances. They are the healing oil, so-to-speak, that can make everything run smoothly and effectively if taken to heart whether it be in family, business, community, or other relationships.
There is an interesting quote by Christine Rossetti which was: "One whom I knew intimately, and whose memory I revere, once in my hearing remarked that, 'unless we love people, we cannot understand them.' This was a new light to me." What a profound truth.
When we truly love others, we will be open to understand them and accept them as they are. That is true unconditional love, agape' love, of which Jesus spoke.
In love and joy,
That's really very simple. Love, fellowship, empathy are all things that are the very foundation of a civilized, happy, ideal life and what makes us truly human. It is the very balance wheel of life itself. It gives us genuineness and simplicity in voice, in look, and in spirit that is so instinctively felt by us all, and to which every person universally responds. It is like the fragrance of a flower--the emanation of the soul.
If everyone displayed those characteristics, it would certainly solve a lot of the complex problems in all lines of human relations and endeavors where solutions seem nearly impossible, and it would bring order and sweetness to vast number of instances. They are the healing oil, so-to-speak, that can make everything run smoothly and effectively if taken to heart whether it be in family, business, community, or other relationships.
There is an interesting quote by Christine Rossetti which was: "One whom I knew intimately, and whose memory I revere, once in my hearing remarked that, 'unless we love people, we cannot understand them.' This was a new light to me." What a profound truth.
When we truly love others, we will be open to understand them and accept them as they are. That is true unconditional love, agape' love, of which Jesus spoke.
In love and joy,
Monday, March 05, 2007
"Humor is A Good Buffer"
On Sept. 9th of 1909, U.S. President Taft sent a greeting to the American Humorists' Association in Buffalo, New York. It went as follows:
"Please convey to the American Press Humorists in the convention in Buffalo my warmest regards. Tell them for me that they can be engaged in no better vocation than making people laugh. Humor is like the buffer between two heavy railroad cars. It relieves the jolts of life. It is a shock absorber. It makes the journey through the years easier, and brightens the pathway all along the route. We Americans could not get along without humor."
Let laughter and joy fill your life always,
"Please convey to the American Press Humorists in the convention in Buffalo my warmest regards. Tell them for me that they can be engaged in no better vocation than making people laugh. Humor is like the buffer between two heavy railroad cars. It relieves the jolts of life. It is a shock absorber. It makes the journey through the years easier, and brightens the pathway all along the route. We Americans could not get along without humor."
Let laughter and joy fill your life always,
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Thought for a Sunday
"God has not given us vast learning to solve all the problems, or unfailing wisdom to direct all the wanderings of our brother's lives. What He does give us, to every one of us, is the power to be spiritual, and by our spirituality to lift and enlarge the lives we touch."
Philip Brooks
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Opportunities? Grasp Them
Have we all learned the lesson of grasping opportunities the moment they appear? If your opportunities seem to get away or be elusive, there is a little story that I want to share with you.
A lady was seated under a large oak tree in the autumn of a year long ago while reading her favorite book. Suddenly the wind brought the most beautifully tinted leaf and laid it by her side. She looked down and marveled at its intricate color pattern with its glorious oranges, reds, and yellows swirling together. She thought to herself, "What a lovely leaf! I mustn't forget to pick it up after I finish this chapter! I have to press it in my book and save it." But when she finished that chapter and looked for the leaf---it was gone.
If the wind could have spoken, I probably would have said, "Madam, I brought you that leaf and placed it where you could secure it by merely reaching out your hand to take it. But you chose to leave it until a more convenient time; therefore, I have sent it away, where though you search forever, you will never find it again; and even if, after many days' searching you could find it, it would not be the same, the beautiful tints would be gone."
Compare the story of the leaf with your opportunities. Be aware of the those that come your way when they appear, and take a hold of them when in your grasp.
Have a beautiful Saturday. Do something fun. Enjoy yourself-enjoy LIFE!
A lady was seated under a large oak tree in the autumn of a year long ago while reading her favorite book. Suddenly the wind brought the most beautifully tinted leaf and laid it by her side. She looked down and marveled at its intricate color pattern with its glorious oranges, reds, and yellows swirling together. She thought to herself, "What a lovely leaf! I mustn't forget to pick it up after I finish this chapter! I have to press it in my book and save it." But when she finished that chapter and looked for the leaf---it was gone.
If the wind could have spoken, I probably would have said, "Madam, I brought you that leaf and placed it where you could secure it by merely reaching out your hand to take it. But you chose to leave it until a more convenient time; therefore, I have sent it away, where though you search forever, you will never find it again; and even if, after many days' searching you could find it, it would not be the same, the beautiful tints would be gone."
Compare the story of the leaf with your opportunities. Be aware of the those that come your way when they appear, and take a hold of them when in your grasp.
Have a beautiful Saturday. Do something fun. Enjoy yourself-enjoy LIFE!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Abounding Health
If we continually see ourselves as frail, weak, or infirm, our subconscious mind takes hold of that thought, seizes upon the pattern that is sent, and builds cell structure accordingly. That is one reason why one, who is chronically thinking and talking of their ailments and symptoms or who is complaining and fearing, is never truly well. It is when we live half-hearted by worrying or fearing, vacillating between faith and fear, which always will bring unsatisfactory results in life and your health.
That is why it is so important to to believe, and picture yourself in your mind continually as well, strong, healthy, and active to furnish a pattern for the mind to follow. Give a positive suggestion to the subconscious so that it will begin to build cell tissue having the "stamp," if you will, of the force of healthy, vital, active life, which in turns means abounding health and strength for you. Whatever is pictured in the mind and lived in, the Life Force will produce.
It may take time. However, there is so much benefit to living in JOY, love, happiness, and faith-assured, un-vacillating faith. Live it. Feel it. Make it a part of your very being. Your cells will love you for it.
Stay happy, & God bless you,
That is why it is so important to to believe, and picture yourself in your mind continually as well, strong, healthy, and active to furnish a pattern for the mind to follow. Give a positive suggestion to the subconscious so that it will begin to build cell tissue having the "stamp," if you will, of the force of healthy, vital, active life, which in turns means abounding health and strength for you. Whatever is pictured in the mind and lived in, the Life Force will produce.
It may take time. However, there is so much benefit to living in JOY, love, happiness, and faith-assured, un-vacillating faith. Live it. Feel it. Make it a part of your very being. Your cells will love you for it.
Stay happy, & God bless you,
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Health Through Love
In a sense love is everything. It is the key to life, to our happiness, and to our health: Yes, our health. We must be diligent in eating right, and by getting enough exercise, fresh air, sunshine, and good water. However, in addition, we must think and feel love thoughts-happy thoughts, if we are to stay healthy.
A prophet of old proclaimed a wonderful chemistry of life: "A merry heart doeth good like medicine." And the beauty of it is that it does good not only for yourself, but your partner, neighbors, and your friends.
I well know that this works. I was home-bound and frequently totally bedridden for weeks on end over a period of 11 years from an injury. With the prospect of being in a wheel chair, I took this scripture very seriously. In my thoughts and conversation, I had to begin to speak ONLY love/happy thoughts and very often that wasn't the easiest thing to do. Do you remember what I said of Helen Keller in a former post? She said she had to "jealously guard her thoughts." I had to do the same.
To dwell on the negative side of things is always destructive. This is true of the body the same as it is true of everything else. I literally began to send love thoughts with strong feeling out to every cell of my body while visualizing wholeness in every area, and I continue to do that. As a result, my state of health began to improve, and keeps on improving. Thinking and feeling happy thoughts, also, helped to maintain a good relationship with my family and spouse during some very difficult years.
It hasn't happened overnight. However, I have learned that through faith, patience and perseverance in guarding my thoughts, there is no condition , no experience that rightly viewed and rightly turned and used will not bring us stores of good through love.
Are you in a state of poor health? You can do the same. More on this tomorrow...
Have a beautiful, joyful, hope-filled day,
A prophet of old proclaimed a wonderful chemistry of life: "A merry heart doeth good like medicine." And the beauty of it is that it does good not only for yourself, but your partner, neighbors, and your friends.
I well know that this works. I was home-bound and frequently totally bedridden for weeks on end over a period of 11 years from an injury. With the prospect of being in a wheel chair, I took this scripture very seriously. In my thoughts and conversation, I had to begin to speak ONLY love/happy thoughts and very often that wasn't the easiest thing to do. Do you remember what I said of Helen Keller in a former post? She said she had to "jealously guard her thoughts." I had to do the same.
To dwell on the negative side of things is always destructive. This is true of the body the same as it is true of everything else. I literally began to send love thoughts with strong feeling out to every cell of my body while visualizing wholeness in every area, and I continue to do that. As a result, my state of health began to improve, and keeps on improving. Thinking and feeling happy thoughts, also, helped to maintain a good relationship with my family and spouse during some very difficult years.
It hasn't happened overnight. However, I have learned that through faith, patience and perseverance in guarding my thoughts, there is no condition , no experience that rightly viewed and rightly turned and used will not bring us stores of good through love.
Are you in a state of poor health? You can do the same. More on this tomorrow...
Have a beautiful, joyful, hope-filled day,
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Saying "Thank You" Means So Much
I noticed when we are traveling that saying thank you to those who wait on us whether it be a service station or a little restaurant, brings a smile to many and a little look of surprise. Standing in line a one establishment, I watched people as they came and went, and "thank you" wasn't heard that often.
We have become a rushed society where often times those little words get forgotten in the course of runing to and fro. And, yet, when they are said, it brings such a look of appreciation in the recipients eyes. It seems so little to mean so much, but it does.
It reminds me of a saying by Stopard A. Brooke:
"There are few things which bless and soothe the life of others more, or do them more good, than saying thank you. It makes men feel that they are of some use in the world, and that is one of the finest impulses to a better life. It cheers many a wearied heart with pleasant hope and bids many a man who is sad in mood take courage."
Have a beautiful day,
We have become a rushed society where often times those little words get forgotten in the course of runing to and fro. And, yet, when they are said, it brings such a look of appreciation in the recipients eyes. It seems so little to mean so much, but it does.
It reminds me of a saying by Stopard A. Brooke:
"There are few things which bless and soothe the life of others more, or do them more good, than saying thank you. It makes men feel that they are of some use in the world, and that is one of the finest impulses to a better life. It cheers many a wearied heart with pleasant hope and bids many a man who is sad in mood take courage."
Have a beautiful day,
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Little Evening Prayer
To go along with yesterday's post, I found this little evening prayer that says so much:
Have a blessed day,
"I thank God for this night. The stars are shining down upon the silent mountains and upon the whispering sea. The pulse of humanity is beating slowly and restfully. I, too, am a part of the All, God's All, and trust myself completely to His Infinite Care. Amen"
Have a blessed day,
Monday, February 26, 2007
Thoughts for Day's Beginning
I found this prayer in one my books that I'd like to share with you:
"I thank God for sunshine and bird-song, for the Sweet morning light upon the hill tops, and the tender eyes of my loved ones. The great world is awake and a-throb with life. I, too, am awake and life is pulsing through my veins. I have a part in the great world, in its work, its joy, and its sorrow. Today I can be a little center from which shall radiate peace, kindliness, and good-will. I thank God for the opportunity. A beautiful golden sunbeam has entered through my chamber window, and awakened me to the gladness and beauty of the morning. May my spirit be awakened and kindled by the Divine Spirit so that all this day it may warm and gladden the hearts it touches."
What a lovely morning expression of gratitude for the day. May we all greet our days with such joy.
God bless,
"I thank God for sunshine and bird-song, for the Sweet morning light upon the hill tops, and the tender eyes of my loved ones. The great world is awake and a-throb with life. I, too, am awake and life is pulsing through my veins. I have a part in the great world, in its work, its joy, and its sorrow. Today I can be a little center from which shall radiate peace, kindliness, and good-will. I thank God for the opportunity. A beautiful golden sunbeam has entered through my chamber window, and awakened me to the gladness and beauty of the morning. May my spirit be awakened and kindled by the Divine Spirit so that all this day it may warm and gladden the hearts it touches."
What a lovely morning expression of gratitude for the day. May we all greet our days with such joy.
God bless,
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The Kingly Quality
What's the Kingly Quality? Writers long ago said that "if one had sweetness of nature, simplicity of manners and conduct, and humilty without self-abasement, it would give the truly kingly quality to men, queenly quality to women, and the winning to the children whatever station of life or rank they may be."
The life dominated by these charateristics is a "natural well-spring of joy to itself and sheds a continual benediction upon all who come within the scope of its influence. It makes for a great beauty in itself, and it imparts courage and hope and buoyancy to all others."
Isn't that lovely. Great words to live by. Be sweet and kind in your everyday life, and it will shed joy to all those you meet.
Take care,
The life dominated by these charateristics is a "natural well-spring of joy to itself and sheds a continual benediction upon all who come within the scope of its influence. It makes for a great beauty in itself, and it imparts courage and hope and buoyancy to all others."
Isn't that lovely. Great words to live by. Be sweet and kind in your everyday life, and it will shed joy to all those you meet.
Take care,
Saturday, February 24, 2007
The Greatest Thing Is Love
It is a very rainy day here that makes one want to snuggle up under the blankets and sleep in. However, I have a "date" with my grandchildren which I'm looking forward to.
So I'm going to post a saying from my collection. I hope you enjoy it. Have a lovely day filled with love and cheer.
"The greatest thing," says some one, "a man can do for His Heavenly Father, is to be kind to some of His other children."
I wonder how it is that we are not all kinder than we are. How much the world needs it! How easily it is done! How instantaneously it acts! How infallibly it is remembered! How superabundatly it pays itself back,--for there is no debtor in the world so honorable, so superbly honorable, as Love. ---Henry Drummond
So I'm going to post a saying from my collection. I hope you enjoy it. Have a lovely day filled with love and cheer.
"The greatest thing," says some one, "a man can do for His Heavenly Father, is to be kind to some of His other children."
I wonder how it is that we are not all kinder than we are. How much the world needs it! How easily it is done! How instantaneously it acts! How infallibly it is remembered! How superabundatly it pays itself back,--for there is no debtor in the world so honorable, so superbly honorable, as Love. ---Henry Drummond
Friday, February 23, 2007
Be Cheerful!
"Be cheerful. Give this lonesome world a smile.
We stay longest but a little while.
Hasten we must, or we shall lose a chance
To give the gentle word, the kindly glance.
Be sweet and tender--that is doing good;
Tis doing what no other kind deed could."
Joyous is nature's garb of health.--Lamartine
Have a great day,
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Love Is Everything
In a sense LOVE is everything. It is the key to life, and its influences are those that can literally move the world.
Live only in the thought of love for all and you will draw love to you from all. Live in the thought of malice and hatred, and malice and hatred will come back to you like a boomerang. Every thought you entertain is a force that goes out, and every thought comes back laden with its own kind. This is an immutable-never changing-law.
Every thought you entertain even has a direct effect on your body. Love and its kindred emotions of joy, kindness, gentleness, etc., are the normal and the natural. Why? Because they are in accordance with the eternal order of the universe, for "God is love." These emotions have a life-giving, health-generating influence upon your body, besides beautifying your contenance, enriching your voice, and making you more attractive in every way. It's a beauty treatment that doesn't cost anything except giving out "love thoughts."
And, as it is true that in the degree that you hold thoughts of love, that is unconditional love for all, you call the same from them in return. These have an effect upon your mind, and through your mind upon your body. It returns to you as so much positive life force added to your own from without.
By pouring out this God-like love to everyone, your life is enriched so much by its influence. It is the Circle of Love which enriches everyone's life and is a blessing to all.
Have a great day.
Love to you,
Live only in the thought of love for all and you will draw love to you from all. Live in the thought of malice and hatred, and malice and hatred will come back to you like a boomerang. Every thought you entertain is a force that goes out, and every thought comes back laden with its own kind. This is an immutable-never changing-law.
Every thought you entertain even has a direct effect on your body. Love and its kindred emotions of joy, kindness, gentleness, etc., are the normal and the natural. Why? Because they are in accordance with the eternal order of the universe, for "God is love." These emotions have a life-giving, health-generating influence upon your body, besides beautifying your contenance, enriching your voice, and making you more attractive in every way. It's a beauty treatment that doesn't cost anything except giving out "love thoughts."
And, as it is true that in the degree that you hold thoughts of love, that is unconditional love for all, you call the same from them in return. These have an effect upon your mind, and through your mind upon your body. It returns to you as so much positive life force added to your own from without.
By pouring out this God-like love to everyone, your life is enriched so much by its influence. It is the Circle of Love which enriches everyone's life and is a blessing to all.
Have a great day.
Love to you,
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Fear and Lack of Faith Go Hand in Hand-Let Go and Let God
I talked about worry in my last post. Worry has a twin which is fear, and fear can be so crippling to an individual.
Fear and lack of faith go hand in hand. The one is born of the other. We have to look at what Jesus taught His followers to get a perspective as to how we should view fear. Jesus taught the All-ness of God: the Omnipotence, the Omniscience, the Omnipresence, and the Unconditional Love of God.
If we truly follow Him, there can be no room for fear or worry. If we have fear or worry, is that not a denial of the All-ness of God, and a denial of His infinite power? That is something to think about.
The great underlying principle, indeed the sum and substance of not only Christianity, but all the major religions is the "consciousness of God in the spirit of man." If we actually live in this consciousness, if we open ourselves so that this Divine Guidance and Power can work in and through us, what place is there for either fear or worry?
Lock the door to these two unscrupulous enemies which rob us of our joy and burden us with ill health, stress, unhappiness, and so much more. Say as the Psalmist did at Psalms 27:1-5:
"The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the defense of my life. Whom shall I dread?...
Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear;
Though war rise against me,
In spite of this I shall be confident...
For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle,
In the secret place of His tent He will hide(cover) me..."
Be determined to live a life filled with joy and faith. Let go and let God. Allow God to be your strength and shield.
Living a life of faith is, also, a great legacy to pass on to your children. Make no mistake. They observe how we react to the circumstances we encounter as the years go by. You can show them by your joy that fear and worry need not be part of their lives, and that they can live a life filled with courage and hope.
Till next time...
Stay joyful,
Fear and lack of faith go hand in hand. The one is born of the other. We have to look at what Jesus taught His followers to get a perspective as to how we should view fear. Jesus taught the All-ness of God: the Omnipotence, the Omniscience, the Omnipresence, and the Unconditional Love of God.
If we truly follow Him, there can be no room for fear or worry. If we have fear or worry, is that not a denial of the All-ness of God, and a denial of His infinite power? That is something to think about.
The great underlying principle, indeed the sum and substance of not only Christianity, but all the major religions is the "consciousness of God in the spirit of man." If we actually live in this consciousness, if we open ourselves so that this Divine Guidance and Power can work in and through us, what place is there for either fear or worry?
Lock the door to these two unscrupulous enemies which rob us of our joy and burden us with ill health, stress, unhappiness, and so much more. Say as the Psalmist did at Psalms 27:1-5:
"The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the defense of my life. Whom shall I dread?...
Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear;
Though war rise against me,
In spite of this I shall be confident...
For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle,
In the secret place of His tent He will hide(cover) me..."
Be determined to live a life filled with joy and faith. Let go and let God. Allow God to be your strength and shield.
Living a life of faith is, also, a great legacy to pass on to your children. Make no mistake. They observe how we react to the circumstances we encounter as the years go by. You can show them by your joy that fear and worry need not be part of their lives, and that they can live a life filled with courage and hope.
Till next time...
Stay joyful,
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Give Your Troubles over to God First-Not Last!
Hope you are having a great day. We had a blessed, wonderful week, and I'm so happy to be back posting.
In my last post I talked about worry. There is a little story that I have to share with you.
Many years ago, there was a woman of means who was perplexed and worried about some circumstances that she had no control over. Wringing her hands and pacing the floor day after day for a week, she saw no answer to her dire problem. All this time her little housemaid was observing the woman in her despair.
The woman finally through up her hands one morning, looked up to the heavens, and declared, "I guess I'll just have to turn the problem over to You, God."
At the time, the little housemaid was on her knees scrubbing the old oak floor boards. She looked up at the woman and spoke quite boldly saying, "Maam, I was wonderin' when you'd git around to turnin it over to God. I just don't understand why ya didn't do that in the first place?"
Isn't that the way it usually is? People worry over circumstances instead of turning it over to God "in the first place."
Are you a worrier? Throw your burdens on God no matter what the problem is, for "He is faithful." You are His child. He loves you. Trust Him. He will take care of you.
In love & joy,
In my last post I talked about worry. There is a little story that I have to share with you.
Many years ago, there was a woman of means who was perplexed and worried about some circumstances that she had no control over. Wringing her hands and pacing the floor day after day for a week, she saw no answer to her dire problem. All this time her little housemaid was observing the woman in her despair.
The woman finally through up her hands one morning, looked up to the heavens, and declared, "I guess I'll just have to turn the problem over to You, God."
At the time, the little housemaid was on her knees scrubbing the old oak floor boards. She looked up at the woman and spoke quite boldly saying, "Maam, I was wonderin' when you'd git around to turnin it over to God. I just don't understand why ya didn't do that in the first place?"
Isn't that the way it usually is? People worry over circumstances instead of turning it over to God "in the first place."
Are you a worrier? Throw your burdens on God no matter what the problem is, for "He is faithful." You are His child. He loves you. Trust Him. He will take care of you.
In love & joy,
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Prone to Worry? Be of Good Cheer
The best feature of many of the troubles we are prone to worry about is the fact that most of them never come. There was a writer, Lowell, who once said:
"Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those that never come."
A person who is not dominated by worry, who doesn't allow his energies to be crippled, and who gives no place to to their paralyzing and poisoning influences, puts himself in that positive attitude of mind that seems to neutralize any and all disagreeable influences before they can touch him. And in so doing, he attracts to himself, through that great, immutable "Law of Attraction," the influences and conditions he most desires. He lives in prosperity and wholeness!
If you are a worrier, always looking at the "dark" side of things expecting the worst, go back to the last couple of posts on Psalms. Dear Friend, begin to focus on faith and trust, and throw your worries upon Him. Begin to live boldly and rejoice!
Have a great day,
P.S. For the next 10 days or so, my husband and I are going on a spiritual retreat so I will not be posting. Do take care, and God bless you.
"Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those that never come."
A person who is not dominated by worry, who doesn't allow his energies to be crippled, and who gives no place to to their paralyzing and poisoning influences, puts himself in that positive attitude of mind that seems to neutralize any and all disagreeable influences before they can touch him. And in so doing, he attracts to himself, through that great, immutable "Law of Attraction," the influences and conditions he most desires. He lives in prosperity and wholeness!
If you are a worrier, always looking at the "dark" side of things expecting the worst, go back to the last couple of posts on Psalms. Dear Friend, begin to focus on faith and trust, and throw your worries upon Him. Begin to live boldly and rejoice!
Have a great day,
P.S. For the next 10 days or so, my husband and I are going on a spiritual retreat so I will not be posting. Do take care, and God bless you.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Determine to Be Happy
Someone once said, "The first step towards happiness is to be determined to be happy."
Rise each morning determined to be happy, to take each day as if it is the first day of the rest of your life, and have the attitude of mind that whenever a dark or negative thought presents itself, it is to be set on changing that thought immediately to one of optimism.
Don't linger on the dark thoughts for even a second. Doing so will only put you on an emotionl spiral heading down in your day. Switch on the "Bright Side", and you will greet everything in your day with a new outlook. It is only in this way that we condition circumstances instead of allowing ourselves to be conditioned by them.
"Put smile of your lips and a song in your heart, everyday."
Live in joy,
Rise each morning determined to be happy, to take each day as if it is the first day of the rest of your life, and have the attitude of mind that whenever a dark or negative thought presents itself, it is to be set on changing that thought immediately to one of optimism.
Don't linger on the dark thoughts for even a second. Doing so will only put you on an emotionl spiral heading down in your day. Switch on the "Bright Side", and you will greet everything in your day with a new outlook. It is only in this way that we condition circumstances instead of allowing ourselves to be conditioned by them.
"Put smile of your lips and a song in your heart, everyday."
Live in joy,
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Psalms 91st Chapter
Hope you are having a beautiful day. The sun is shining here in the Quachita Mountains and the birds are singing. Quite a difference from a few days ago. We have been seeing robins in the park across the street. Spring seems to be on its way.
Yesterday, in my Thought for the Day, I discussed the incredible power of Psalms the 91st chapter when you discover the original meanings of the words in Hebrew. That has been one of my passions over many years; studying the Bible and getting to the root meanings of words. It puts power into the scriptures being read. It really is awesome.
I love Psalms 91. People for centuries have seen miracles by putting it to memory and reciting it in times of danger. The next two verses, 3 and 4, are so faith-building:
"For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper,
And from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with His pinions
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bullwark."
Wow, in reading that, what do we EVER have to be afraid of? You know fear begets fear and so much more. Fear puts stress on our bodies. Our health suffers as a result. Believing-knowing- that God's protection is all around you, wipes out fear. It builds courage and hope.
The word "cover" has an incredible meaning. It means to defend, hedge in, cover wth a screen, and fence in-Complete PROTECTION. "His faithfulness" means truth, certainty, trustworthiness, stability, assurance,... So don't doubt that you are being watched over; you are.
And this one is amazing,"His faithfulness is a shield and bullwark." This picture portrayed here is not just one of those flat shields you see gladiators or knights in the movies use. This shield is a BIG, prickly, pointed shield; some meanings refer to it as black marble.
In other words, the Psalmist is expressing to you as pictorially as he possibly can that God protects you and is watching over you in a mighty way. These scriptures are saying to you that you have every reason to feel safe no matter what is happening around you or in the world. Visualize yourself as being hedged in, covered, by this protection, and then go about your life boldly, without fear.
Have faith, hope, and love. BELIEVE. You are a child of God!
Live in joy,
Yesterday, in my Thought for the Day, I discussed the incredible power of Psalms the 91st chapter when you discover the original meanings of the words in Hebrew. That has been one of my passions over many years; studying the Bible and getting to the root meanings of words. It puts power into the scriptures being read. It really is awesome.
I love Psalms 91. People for centuries have seen miracles by putting it to memory and reciting it in times of danger. The next two verses, 3 and 4, are so faith-building:
"For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper,
And from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with His pinions
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bullwark."
Wow, in reading that, what do we EVER have to be afraid of? You know fear begets fear and so much more. Fear puts stress on our bodies. Our health suffers as a result. Believing-knowing- that God's protection is all around you, wipes out fear. It builds courage and hope.
The word "cover" has an incredible meaning. It means to defend, hedge in, cover wth a screen, and fence in-Complete PROTECTION. "His faithfulness" means truth, certainty, trustworthiness, stability, assurance,... So don't doubt that you are being watched over; you are.
And this one is amazing,"His faithfulness is a shield and bullwark." This picture portrayed here is not just one of those flat shields you see gladiators or knights in the movies use. This shield is a BIG, prickly, pointed shield; some meanings refer to it as black marble.
In other words, the Psalmist is expressing to you as pictorially as he possibly can that God protects you and is watching over you in a mighty way. These scriptures are saying to you that you have every reason to feel safe no matter what is happening around you or in the world. Visualize yourself as being hedged in, covered, by this protection, and then go about your life boldly, without fear.
Have faith, hope, and love. BELIEVE. You are a child of God!
Live in joy,
Monday, February 05, 2007
The Forward Look
In life the great secret of all advancement and attainment is to set yourself in the right direction and then simply travel on, paying no attention of even frequent lapses along the way. Those who know the power of the "forward look" realizes that unforeseen helps will spring up where least expected along the way for him who "keeps his eye on the prize."
When we're driving we often can't see but a couple of hundred feet ahead of us. That doesn't stop us from continuing on or worrying about the next 200 feet, does it? You know your destination, and you keep driving.
It's the same with life. Take each hour as it comes along without worry. Know your course, and KNOW that you are not traveling on your life's course alone. You have a Partner who knows exactly what you need when you need it.
"Dwell in the shelter of the Most High." Trust Him to guide you everyday, and keep the "Forward Look."
God be with you,
Thought for the day:
"He who dwells in the shelter of the most High, will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress. My God in whom I trust." Psalms 91: 1,2
The translation from Hebrew is to dwell(stay, live there) in the shelter(secret place, protection, concealment, flee to for protection) of the Most High and abide in the Almighty's shadow(your defense).
So, have trust and hope under that "shadow" all day, everyday. God bless!
When we're driving we often can't see but a couple of hundred feet ahead of us. That doesn't stop us from continuing on or worrying about the next 200 feet, does it? You know your destination, and you keep driving.
It's the same with life. Take each hour as it comes along without worry. Know your course, and KNOW that you are not traveling on your life's course alone. You have a Partner who knows exactly what you need when you need it.
"Dwell in the shelter of the Most High." Trust Him to guide you everyday, and keep the "Forward Look."
God be with you,
Thought for the day:
"He who dwells in the shelter of the most High, will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress. My God in whom I trust." Psalms 91: 1,2
The translation from Hebrew is to dwell(stay, live there) in the shelter(secret place, protection, concealment, flee to for protection) of the Most High and abide in the Almighty's shadow(your defense).
So, have trust and hope under that "shadow" all day, everyday. God bless!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Our Own World
Each person is building their own world. We build from within and we attract from without. Thought is the force with which we build, for thoughts are forces. Thoughts become things; they manifest our world.
To make it simple, like begets like and like attracts like. Thoughts of strength build strength from within and attract it from without. However, thoughts of weakness actualize weakness. Courage begets strength; fear begets weakness.
Our prevailing thought forces determine likewise the mental atmosphere we create around us. All who come within its influence are affected in one way or another, according to the quality of that atmosphere. In other words, we create through our thoughts and feelings the atmosphere of our own world and can greatly influence how others react in that world. It is really amazing. That's the Power of Your Thoughts.
Attract good in your world by Thinking Right and Feeling Right-in other words, Living in Joy.
Have a great Sunday,
To make it simple, like begets like and like attracts like. Thoughts of strength build strength from within and attract it from without. However, thoughts of weakness actualize weakness. Courage begets strength; fear begets weakness.
Our prevailing thought forces determine likewise the mental atmosphere we create around us. All who come within its influence are affected in one way or another, according to the quality of that atmosphere. In other words, we create through our thoughts and feelings the atmosphere of our own world and can greatly influence how others react in that world. It is really amazing. That's the Power of Your Thoughts.
Attract good in your world by Thinking Right and Feeling Right-in other words, Living in Joy.
Have a great Sunday,
Saturday, February 03, 2007
A Secret to a Beautiful Day
Each morning is a fresh beginning. We are, as it were, just beginning life. The day is in our hands to meet it as we choose. And when it begins, all yesterdays should remain yesterdays with which we should give no thought. And, every tomorrow should be tomorrows with which we will not give thought or worry. Sufficient is this day. For it is the way we live today, that will determine our tomorrow.
Simply, the first hour of any new day with all its eternity-determining possibilities, richness, and beauty, and each succeeding hour as it comes--but not before it comes--must be greeted with joyful expectation. This is a secret to a beautiful day.
May all the beauty of everyday be yours,
Thought for the day:
"This is the day that the Lord has made and I shall rejoice in it." As soon as you awake in the morning, before your feet hit the floor, "REJOICE" in the day and be grateful. You will see changes take place. God bless.
Simply, the first hour of any new day with all its eternity-determining possibilities, richness, and beauty, and each succeeding hour as it comes--but not before it comes--must be greeted with joyful expectation. This is a secret to a beautiful day.
May all the beauty of everyday be yours,
Thought for the day:
"This is the day that the Lord has made and I shall rejoice in it." As soon as you awake in the morning, before your feet hit the floor, "REJOICE" in the day and be grateful. You will see changes take place. God bless.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Bringing Up Children
Every mother, whether she realizes it or not, is constantly using the power of suggestion in rearing her children, healing all their little hurts. You kiss their bumps and bruises and tell the child that all is well again, and they are not only comforted, but they really believe that the kiss or caress has "magic" to cure the injury. A mother is constantly antidoting and neutralizing her child's little troubles and discords by giving the opposite thought and applying the love-elixr.
It is possible, then, for you to develop your children's faculties upon which health, success, and happiness depend. It's, again, the power of your words and feelings-emotions-on the life of your children.
If the cheerful, optimistic faculties are brought out and largely developed in childhood, it would change a person's whole outlook upon life as we grow older, and we would not go through years of discouragement, fear, apprehension, anxiety, mental anguish, and disappontments.
Talk health, love, courage, optimism around your children. More importantly, display those attributes. Watch what you say and do, even around little ones. They mimic us to a tee.
Every youth should be taught that they have a definite purpose in the world which no one else can fill and that they are special. Teach them that God is Love and is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent, meaning that He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and is in all-space and time. Teach them that He is their Partner in life. Consequently, they will learn that they have no reason to fear.
I hope the time will come when all children will be taught to believe in themselves; to form a picture of their own endless possibilities and of their future. And, may they, also, be taught that they can be a conduit of God's love, unconditional love, in the life of all their fellow man.
Love to all,
It is possible, then, for you to develop your children's faculties upon which health, success, and happiness depend. It's, again, the power of your words and feelings-emotions-on the life of your children.
If the cheerful, optimistic faculties are brought out and largely developed in childhood, it would change a person's whole outlook upon life as we grow older, and we would not go through years of discouragement, fear, apprehension, anxiety, mental anguish, and disappontments.
Talk health, love, courage, optimism around your children. More importantly, display those attributes. Watch what you say and do, even around little ones. They mimic us to a tee.
Every youth should be taught that they have a definite purpose in the world which no one else can fill and that they are special. Teach them that God is Love and is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent, meaning that He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and is in all-space and time. Teach them that He is their Partner in life. Consequently, they will learn that they have no reason to fear.
I hope the time will come when all children will be taught to believe in themselves; to form a picture of their own endless possibilities and of their future. And, may they, also, be taught that they can be a conduit of God's love, unconditional love, in the life of all their fellow man.
Love to all,
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Book of Possibilities
Good morning. Hope you are staying warm and cozy today. Even in the Southern states it's a bit frosty.
Today, I have to tell you about a little movie. My husband and I rented Last Holiday with Queen Latifa and watched it last night. It is a very sweet movie. More than that, however, it shows the power of writing down and having pictures of those things you desire: A "Book of Possibilities."
Perhaps those desires may not manifest right away. Perhaps some circumstances may come up which will make it seem as though your dreams are out of reach; however, don't give up! Stay joyful.
Rent the movie. You'll have a few laughs which is good for you. Laughter is the best medicine in the world. And, you'll watch a "good feeling" movie with a great message.
Today, begin your "Book of Possibilties."
Have a great day,
Two Thoughts for the day:
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4
"There is no medicine equal to a merry laugh--well mixed with fresh air."
Today, I have to tell you about a little movie. My husband and I rented Last Holiday with Queen Latifa and watched it last night. It is a very sweet movie. More than that, however, it shows the power of writing down and having pictures of those things you desire: A "Book of Possibilities."
Perhaps those desires may not manifest right away. Perhaps some circumstances may come up which will make it seem as though your dreams are out of reach; however, don't give up! Stay joyful.
Rent the movie. You'll have a few laughs which is good for you. Laughter is the best medicine in the world. And, you'll watch a "good feeling" movie with a great message.
Today, begin your "Book of Possibilties."
Have a great day,
Two Thoughts for the day:
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4
"There is no medicine equal to a merry laugh--well mixed with fresh air."
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Trust Your Intuiton
Many years ago I learned something. A prayer is us talking to God, and often it's through our intuition that it is He talking to us.
We all have answers to our prayers. Sometimes we're not silent or aware enough to recognize them though. Very often, we simply ignore the promptings of our intuition, or dismiss them as foolish thoughts, reasoning upon them too much.
So continuing from yesterday, the third part of being prepared for abundance is learning to listen to your own intuition: That little voice within you that is speaking. Trust it. It can bring you to the place you desire to be, and it can keep you from harms way if you but pay attention to it.
Be aware of signs and circumstances that happen around you, too. It could be a phone call from out of the blue, or a new person that comes into your life that can lead to answers you've been seeking. It might be a magazine that happens to be open to a certain article with information you need. There are so many occurrences throughout our lives that shouldn't be ignored. Your answers are all around you.
We all can have revelations, illuminations, and inspiration. Those are not just for a few chosen elect, but for everyone, for we are ALL Children of God.
Life is exciting-embrace it,
Thought for the day:
We all have answers to our prayers. Sometimes we're not silent or aware enough to recognize them though. Very often, we simply ignore the promptings of our intuition, or dismiss them as foolish thoughts, reasoning upon them too much.
So continuing from yesterday, the third part of being prepared for abundance is learning to listen to your own intuition: That little voice within you that is speaking. Trust it. It can bring you to the place you desire to be, and it can keep you from harms way if you but pay attention to it.
Be aware of signs and circumstances that happen around you, too. It could be a phone call from out of the blue, or a new person that comes into your life that can lead to answers you've been seeking. It might be a magazine that happens to be open to a certain article with information you need. There are so many occurrences throughout our lives that shouldn't be ignored. Your answers are all around you.
We all can have revelations, illuminations, and inspiration. Those are not just for a few chosen elect, but for everyone, for we are ALL Children of God.
Life is exciting-embrace it,
Thought for the day:
Don't chase after the butterfly. Be silent, and allow it to gently land on your shoulder.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Visualize and Feel Your Dreams
With the average person who has thought in terms of lack for such a long time, it often becomes very difficult to think in terms of a rich consciousness. However, just as an architect first mentally sees in every minute detail the building he wishes to erect before he draws it out carefully on paper, we have to mentally see our dreams in order for them to be fulfilled in our life.
Continually prepare yourself for abundance. First, watch your words. Don't get lazy and say just anything that pops out. Remember what Helen Keller said, "I jealously guard my thoughts." Your thoughts lead to what you say verbally as well as what you say to yourself silently. They are a doorway to what occurs in your life.
Second, live in expectancy, and become as a little child and use your God-given gift of imagination. Imagine that you already have what you desire. Little children do that at Christmas time. Their hearts and minds are filled with expectancy. They have no doubt that what they've wished for from Santa will come. Do likewise even if you're 94. Get into a childlike state of believing with all your heart and soul. Feel the excitement even though your desires are "not yet seen." That's what faith is. Miracles will happen.
Love to all,
Thought for the day:
"Imagination is man's workshop, the sizzors of the mind, where he is constantly cutting out the events of his life!" Florence Scovell Shinn
Continually prepare yourself for abundance. First, watch your words. Don't get lazy and say just anything that pops out. Remember what Helen Keller said, "I jealously guard my thoughts." Your thoughts lead to what you say verbally as well as what you say to yourself silently. They are a doorway to what occurs in your life.
Second, live in expectancy, and become as a little child and use your God-given gift of imagination. Imagine that you already have what you desire. Little children do that at Christmas time. Their hearts and minds are filled with expectancy. They have no doubt that what they've wished for from Santa will come. Do likewise even if you're 94. Get into a childlike state of believing with all your heart and soul. Feel the excitement even though your desires are "not yet seen." That's what faith is. Miracles will happen.
Love to all,
Thought for the day:
"Imagination is man's workshop, the sizzors of the mind, where he is constantly cutting out the events of his life!" Florence Scovell Shinn
Monday, January 29, 2007
Law of Abundance
Continuing with the posts before our new grandson was born---
You know, my Friend, the Law of Abundance is as definite as the Law of Gravity. It's the kin to the Law of Attraction and works as unerringly. If it's not being demonstrated in your life, it is possibly because your holding back and still under the bond of mental limitation.; however, just remember, there is no lack in "Him in whom all fullness lies."
If you pinch your supply pipe with fears, doubts, the terror of coming to want, or a "what will I do" anxiety mindset, you are limiting the supply of abundance instead of allowing the inexhaustable flow you might have. It's the dwelling on the thing whatever the problem may be; fearing it, worrying about it, expressing anxiety over it, or terror about it, that attracts us to it and it to us.
There's no limitation with God! We just tap into the spiritual supply pipe with a miserable little hole of faith.
However, if you have the faith that creates, the faith that believes the best is coming to you, you can reach out mentally into the Great Stream of Plenty. The supply is there. It rests with you to make the connection that will draw you into the life of abundance; wholeness of mind, body and estate.
Once again, Hebrews 11:1--Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, though the evidence is not yet seen. BELIEVE!
More next time...
Love and joy,
You know, my Friend, the Law of Abundance is as definite as the Law of Gravity. It's the kin to the Law of Attraction and works as unerringly. If it's not being demonstrated in your life, it is possibly because your holding back and still under the bond of mental limitation.; however, just remember, there is no lack in "Him in whom all fullness lies."
If you pinch your supply pipe with fears, doubts, the terror of coming to want, or a "what will I do" anxiety mindset, you are limiting the supply of abundance instead of allowing the inexhaustable flow you might have. It's the dwelling on the thing whatever the problem may be; fearing it, worrying about it, expressing anxiety over it, or terror about it, that attracts us to it and it to us.
There's no limitation with God! We just tap into the spiritual supply pipe with a miserable little hole of faith.
However, if you have the faith that creates, the faith that believes the best is coming to you, you can reach out mentally into the Great Stream of Plenty. The supply is there. It rests with you to make the connection that will draw you into the life of abundance; wholeness of mind, body and estate.
Once again, Hebrews 11:1--Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, though the evidence is not yet seen. BELIEVE!
More next time...
Love and joy,
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Smile Away
It's a beautiful Sunday. The sun is shining, and I hope that you are enjoying life today with family and/or friends.
I have a lovely poem for you.
Smile Away
The thing that goes the fartherest toward making life worthwhile,
That costs the least, and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.
The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow man,
Will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again;
It's full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent---
It's worth a million dollars, and it doesn't cost a cent.
There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile;
It always has the same good look---It's never out of style;--
It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;
The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.
It pays a higher interest for it it is merely lent--
It's worth a million dollars, and doesn't cost a cent.
A smile comes very easy--you can wrinkle up with cheer,
A hundred times before you can squeeze out a soggy tear.
It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug,
And always leaves an echo that is very like a hug.
So smile away. Folks understand what by a smile is meant,
It's worth a million dollars, and doesn't cost a cent!
Love and joy,
I have a lovely poem for you.
Smile Away
The thing that goes the fartherest toward making life worthwhile,
That costs the least, and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.
The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow man,
Will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again;
It's full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent---
It's worth a million dollars, and it doesn't cost a cent.
There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile;
It always has the same good look---It's never out of style;--
It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;
The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.
It pays a higher interest for it it is merely lent--
It's worth a million dollars, and doesn't cost a cent.
A smile comes very easy--you can wrinkle up with cheer,
A hundred times before you can squeeze out a soggy tear.
It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug,
And always leaves an echo that is very like a hug.
So smile away. Folks understand what by a smile is meant,
It's worth a million dollars, and doesn't cost a cent!
Love and joy,
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Friendship Is Precious
I have been spending time with my daughter today helping her with her new son and two little girls 5 and 3. We were watching children's videos together that the girls love, and they put in the Disney DVD, The Book of Pooh, that I spoke about in a previous post.
It's delightful as I said before. Quite often the children's DVD's bring out points that adults can learn from, too. There are wonderful little stories about acceptance and friendships that we can all take to heart.
One in particular featured Rabbit who can be a bit stuffy and all knowing, and Tigger who is, well, Tigger. After being annoyed and frustrated with Tigger in trying to teach him to grow a garden, Rabbit comes to understand that Tigger, though unlike him, had special qualities of his own that could be appreciated and looked upon with fondness and love.
Everyone has special qualities that can add to our lives. Be a friend and you'll have friends. Just love, be non-judgmental, and enjoy the people you call a friend because "Friendship is Precious."
Love to all,
It's delightful as I said before. Quite often the children's DVD's bring out points that adults can learn from, too. There are wonderful little stories about acceptance and friendships that we can all take to heart.
One in particular featured Rabbit who can be a bit stuffy and all knowing, and Tigger who is, well, Tigger. After being annoyed and frustrated with Tigger in trying to teach him to grow a garden, Rabbit comes to understand that Tigger, though unlike him, had special qualities of his own that could be appreciated and looked upon with fondness and love.
Everyone has special qualities that can add to our lives. Be a friend and you'll have friends. Just love, be non-judgmental, and enjoy the people you call a friend because "Friendship is Precious."
Love to all,
Friday, January 26, 2007
A New Life; New Baby
My oldest daughter had her third baby, first boy, a couple of hours ago so this post will be short. What a miracle a birth is! Watching that new life be born is awesome. And, he's so beautiful.
You are awsome, too, my Friend. This world is a beautiful place. Soak in the wonders of your world, and enjoy life, play with children, enjoy your friends, and make new friends. Love, laugh, and be glad to be alive!
Donna, AKA Nana
You are awsome, too, my Friend. This world is a beautiful place. Soak in the wonders of your world, and enjoy life, play with children, enjoy your friends, and make new friends. Love, laugh, and be glad to be alive!
Donna, AKA Nana
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Stream of Plenty
It's a beautiful sunny day here in the midsouth. It's wonderful to see the sun shining and feel its warmth again.
I posted yesterday on attracting prosperity. Prosperity is an "inward consciousness" of spiritual opulence, completeness. We can't feel poor when we're enveloped in the all-supply, know that God is our partner-shepherd, and truly believe "we shall not want."
There was a story told many years ago about a poor woman who had all of her life lived in the country. She moved to a progressive little village, and to her surprise, she found that her new home had electricity. She knew nothing about electicity, had never even seen an electric light before, and the little 8 candle power electric bulbs with which the house was fitted seemed very extraordinary to her.
Later, a man came along one day, selling a new kind of electric bulb and asked the woman to allow him to replace one of her little bulbs with one of his new style 60 candle power bulbs just to show her what it would do. Well, she consented, and when the electricity was turned on she stood there in amazement. It seemed nothing short of a magic that such a little bulb could give so wonderful a light. "Almost like sunlight," she said.
She never dreamed that the source of the new flood of illumination had been there all the time. The enormously increased light came from the same current which had been feeding her little 8 candle bulb.
We smile at the story since we are so used to the wonderment of the electric supply to our homes in this modern day. However, the majority of us are far more lacking in the knowledge of our own power than she was of the electric current. We go through lfe using the 8 candle power bulb, believing we are getting all the power that can come to us, all that we can express, or that destiny will give us, believing that we are limited to the 8 candle bulbs of life. We never dream that an infinite current, a current in which we could be perpetually bathed would flood our lives with light, with a light that is inconceivably brilliant and beautiful if we would only put in a larger bulb, make a larger connection with the infinite supply current to our lives.
We seem to think that our source of supply is limited. It never occurs to us that the trouble is not in the current itelf, or that there is limit, but it is in the small bulbs we are using. How do we unplug the source to the "stream of plenty?"
More in my next post...
I posted yesterday on attracting prosperity. Prosperity is an "inward consciousness" of spiritual opulence, completeness. We can't feel poor when we're enveloped in the all-supply, know that God is our partner-shepherd, and truly believe "we shall not want."
There was a story told many years ago about a poor woman who had all of her life lived in the country. She moved to a progressive little village, and to her surprise, she found that her new home had electricity. She knew nothing about electicity, had never even seen an electric light before, and the little 8 candle power electric bulbs with which the house was fitted seemed very extraordinary to her.
Later, a man came along one day, selling a new kind of electric bulb and asked the woman to allow him to replace one of her little bulbs with one of his new style 60 candle power bulbs just to show her what it would do. Well, she consented, and when the electricity was turned on she stood there in amazement. It seemed nothing short of a magic that such a little bulb could give so wonderful a light. "Almost like sunlight," she said.
She never dreamed that the source of the new flood of illumination had been there all the time. The enormously increased light came from the same current which had been feeding her little 8 candle bulb.
We smile at the story since we are so used to the wonderment of the electric supply to our homes in this modern day. However, the majority of us are far more lacking in the knowledge of our own power than she was of the electric current. We go through lfe using the 8 candle power bulb, believing we are getting all the power that can come to us, all that we can express, or that destiny will give us, believing that we are limited to the 8 candle bulbs of life. We never dream that an infinite current, a current in which we could be perpetually bathed would flood our lives with light, with a light that is inconceivably brilliant and beautiful if we would only put in a larger bulb, make a larger connection with the infinite supply current to our lives.
We seem to think that our source of supply is limited. It never occurs to us that the trouble is not in the current itelf, or that there is limit, but it is in the small bulbs we are using. How do we unplug the source to the "stream of plenty?"
More in my next post...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
How to Attract Prosperity
There is the infinite, never-failing Law of Attraction. It is as strict as that of mathematical laws. Opulence follows the law as does poverty. If we obey the law we get the opulent flow. If we disobey, we get cut off from the flow.
Fears and doubts repel prosperity. Abundance cannot get to a person who holds such a mental attitude. Things that are unlike in the mental realm repel one another. Trying to become prosperous while always talking poverty, dreading it, or predicting it by flippingly saying such phrases as the one I mentioned a few posts ago, "Money talks, and it always says good-bye to me." How often do we make jokes or remarks about money or our health that are negative? Remember your words are a force.
This will cause you to visualize circumstances, picture lack, and keep you from that which you desire to have-wholeness. Nothing can attract prosperity but that which is expressed in prosperous thought, conviction, faith, words, and ambition.
Most of us tap into the the great life supply with a tiny pipe, and then pinch off the the flow even further with fears, doubts, anxieties, worry, and uncertainties. There is no lack in "Him in whom all fullness lies." The pinching, the limitation, is in ourselves, "for He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with every good thing."
More next time...
Have joy thoughts,
Fears and doubts repel prosperity. Abundance cannot get to a person who holds such a mental attitude. Things that are unlike in the mental realm repel one another. Trying to become prosperous while always talking poverty, dreading it, or predicting it by flippingly saying such phrases as the one I mentioned a few posts ago, "Money talks, and it always says good-bye to me." How often do we make jokes or remarks about money or our health that are negative? Remember your words are a force.
This will cause you to visualize circumstances, picture lack, and keep you from that which you desire to have-wholeness. Nothing can attract prosperity but that which is expressed in prosperous thought, conviction, faith, words, and ambition.
Most of us tap into the the great life supply with a tiny pipe, and then pinch off the the flow even further with fears, doubts, anxieties, worry, and uncertainties. There is no lack in "Him in whom all fullness lies." The pinching, the limitation, is in ourselves, "for He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with every good thing."
More next time...
Have joy thoughts,
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The Path to Greater Things

Dream constantly of the ideal; work ceaselessly to
perfect the real.
Believe in yourself; believe in everybody;
Believe in all that has existence.
Give the body added strength; give the mind added
brillancy; give the soul added inspiration.
Do your best under every circumstance, and believe
that every circumstance will give the best to you.
Live for the realization of more life and for the
more efficient use of everything that proceeds from
Desire eternally what you want; expect eternally
what you desire; and act as if every expectation were
coming true.
Picture courtesy of
Monday, January 22, 2007
Conversations with Children-Cont'd
To continue my posts of a few days ago---
Our conversation should always deal with the strong points of children's character. Take time with them. Find their talents. Discover their strong points and concentrate on those. Everyone has strong points. Frame our conversations with children to focus on those points. Anyone can find faults and weaknesses. To discover the hiddent talents and bring those out is the special gift we can give our children.
We have 6 children who are all grown now. But each one is very different. They all came for the same mold, so-to-speak,; however, they're all as different as night and day in their unique talents. To expect one to be like the other or like ourselves is only building up wall that can become immovable.
Our conversations with them should have an optimistic tendency and an uplifting tone. It should deal with those things in life that are worth while, and it should always give the ideal the greatest prominence. Weaknesses should be recognized as little as possible and should seldom be mentioned.
When people engage in destuctive, negative conversation around your family, endeavor to change the subject by calling attention to positive subject matter-the better side. There always is another and a better side. Thoughts are things: Words are a force. So any conversation around your family should be uplifting and positive.
Admirable qualities exist everywhere in everyone, and it will prove profitable to give these undivided attention.
Love and joy to you,
Our conversation should always deal with the strong points of children's character. Take time with them. Find their talents. Discover their strong points and concentrate on those. Everyone has strong points. Frame our conversations with children to focus on those points. Anyone can find faults and weaknesses. To discover the hiddent talents and bring those out is the special gift we can give our children.
We have 6 children who are all grown now. But each one is very different. They all came for the same mold, so-to-speak,; however, they're all as different as night and day in their unique talents. To expect one to be like the other or like ourselves is only building up wall that can become immovable.
Our conversations with them should have an optimistic tendency and an uplifting tone. It should deal with those things in life that are worth while, and it should always give the ideal the greatest prominence. Weaknesses should be recognized as little as possible and should seldom be mentioned.
When people engage in destuctive, negative conversation around your family, endeavor to change the subject by calling attention to positive subject matter-the better side. There always is another and a better side. Thoughts are things: Words are a force. So any conversation around your family should be uplifting and positive.
Admirable qualities exist everywhere in everyone, and it will prove profitable to give these undivided attention.
Love and joy to you,
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