Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Open the Door

Open the door, let in the air,
The winds are sweet and the flowers fair;
Joy is abroad in the world today,
If our door is wide, it may come our way--
Open the door!

Open the door, let in the sun;
God hath a smile for every one;
He hath made the raindrops gold and gems,
He may change our tears to diadems---
Open the door!

Open the door of the soul; let in
Strong, pure thoughts which will banish sin;
They will grow and bloom with grace divine,
And their fruit shall be sweeter than that of the vine---
Open the door!

Open the door of the heart; let in
Empathy sweet for stranger and kin;
It will make the halls of the heart so fair
That angels may enter unaware---
Open the door!

God bless you,

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