Monday, January 29, 2007

Law of Abundance

Continuing with the posts before our new grandson was born---

You know, my Friend, the Law of Abundance is as definite as the Law of Gravity. It's the kin to the Law of Attraction and works as unerringly. If it's not being demonstrated in your life, it is possibly because your holding back and still under the bond of mental limitation.; however, just remember, there is no lack in "Him in whom all fullness lies."

If you pinch your supply pipe with fears, doubts, the terror of coming to want, or a "what will I do" anxiety mindset, you are limiting the supply of abundance instead of allowing the inexhaustable flow you might have. It's the dwelling on the thing whatever the problem may be; fearing it, worrying about it, expressing anxiety over it, or terror about it, that attracts us to it and it to us.

There's no limitation with God! We just tap into the spiritual supply pipe with a miserable little hole of faith.

However, if you have the faith that creates, the faith that believes the best is coming to you, you can reach out mentally into the Great Stream of Plenty. The supply is there. It rests with you to make the connection that will draw you into the life of abundance; wholeness of mind, body and estate.

Once again, Hebrews 11:1--Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, though the evidence is not yet seen. BELIEVE!

More next time...

Love and joy,

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