Monday, January 22, 2007

Conversations with Children-Cont'd

To continue my posts of a few days ago---

Our conversation should always deal with the strong points of children's character. Take time with them. Find their talents. Discover their strong points and concentrate on those. Everyone has strong points. Frame our conversations with children to focus on those points. Anyone can find faults and weaknesses. To discover the hiddent talents and bring those out is the special gift we can give our children.

We have 6 children who are all grown now. But each one is very different. They all came for the same mold, so-to-speak,; however, they're all as different as night and day in their unique talents. To expect one to be like the other or like ourselves is only building up wall that can become immovable.

Our conversations with them should have an optimistic tendency and an uplifting tone. It should deal with those things in life that are worth while, and it should always give the ideal the greatest prominence. Weaknesses should be recognized as little as possible and should seldom be mentioned.

When people engage in destuctive, negative conversation around your family, endeavor to change the subject by calling attention to positive subject matter-the better side. There always is another and a better side. Thoughts are things: Words are a force. So any conversation around your family should be uplifting and positive.

Admirable qualities exist everywhere in everyone, and it will prove profitable to give these undivided attention.

Love and joy to you,

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