I talked about worry in my last post. Worry has a twin which is fear, and fear can be so crippling to an individual.
Fear and lack of faith go hand in hand. The one is born of the other. We have to look at what Jesus taught His followers to get a perspective as to how we should view fear. Jesus taught the All-ness of God: the Omnipotence, the Omniscience, the Omnipresence, and the Unconditional Love of God.
If we truly follow Him, there can be no room for fear or worry. If we have fear or worry, is that not a denial of the All-ness of God, and a denial of His infinite power? That is something to think about.
The great underlying principle, indeed the sum and substance of not only Christianity, but all the major religions is the "consciousness of God in the spirit of man." If we actually live in this consciousness, if we open ourselves so that this Divine Guidance and Power can work in and through us, what place is there for either fear or worry?
Lock the door to these two unscrupulous enemies which rob us of our joy and burden us with ill health, stress, unhappiness, and so much more. Say as the Psalmist did at Psalms 27:1-5:
"The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the defense of my life. Whom shall I dread?...
Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear;
Though war rise against me,
In spite of this I shall be confident...
For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle,
In the secret place of His tent He will hide(cover) me..."
Be determined to live a life filled with joy and faith. Let go and let God. Allow God to be your strength and shield.
Living a life of faith is, also, a great legacy to pass on to your children. Make no mistake. They observe how we react to the circumstances we encounter as the years go by. You can show them by your joy that fear and worry need not be part of their lives, and that they can live a life filled with courage and hope.
Till next time...
Stay joyful,
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