Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Lord Is My Shepard-cont'd

Yesterday's post was regarding, "The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want," from the 23rd Psalms. When you get into the mindset that the Lord is really your Shepard, you will come to the full realization that your supply will be met.

Say that scripture to yourself and truly mean it. Say it several times a day. Feel the words. Don't let old Mr. Doubt creep into one thought you have.

When there is a need, is your first thought that of worry and fear? Or, is it complete trust that "I shall not want"? Put your faith thought out there first, not last. God never changes. He never lies. It all depends on our faith and trust that He is our Father, we are His children, and His love never fails. So don't allow Mr. Doubt into your life. Only you can stop him, and kick him out for good.

God bless you-Live in joy and prosperity,

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