Saturday, February 03, 2007

A Secret to a Beautiful Day

Each morning is a fresh beginning. We are, as it were, just beginning life. The day is in our hands to meet it as we choose. And when it begins, all yesterdays should remain yesterdays with which we should give no thought. And, every tomorrow should be tomorrows with which we will not give thought or worry. Sufficient is this day. For it is the way we live today, that will determine our tomorrow.

Simply, the first hour of any new day with all its eternity-determining possibilities, richness, and beauty, and each succeeding hour as it comes--but not before it comes--must be greeted with joyful expectation. This is a secret to a beautiful day.

May all the beauty of everyday be yours,

Thought for the day:
"This is the day that the Lord has made and I shall rejoice in it." As soon as you awake in the morning, before your feet hit the floor, "REJOICE" in the day and be grateful. You will see changes take place. God bless.

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