Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Saying "Thank You" Means So Much

I noticed when we are traveling that saying thank you to those who wait on us whether it be a service station or a little restaurant, brings a smile to many and a little look of surprise. Standing in line a one establishment, I watched people as they came and went, and "thank you" wasn't heard that often.

We have become a rushed society where often times those little words get forgotten in the course of runing to and fro. And, yet, when they are said, it brings such a look of appreciation in the recipients eyes. It seems so little to mean so much, but it does.

It reminds me of a saying by Stopard A. Brooke:

"There are few things which bless and soothe the life of others more, or do them more good, than saying thank you. It makes men feel that they are of some use in the world, and that is one of the finest impulses to a better life. It cheers many a wearied heart with pleasant hope and bids many a man who is sad in mood take courage."

Have a beautiful day,

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Little Evening Prayer

To go along with yesterday's post, I found this little evening prayer that says so much:

"I thank God for this night. The stars are shining down upon the silent mountains and upon the whispering sea. The pulse of humanity is beating slowly and restfully. I, too, am a part of the All, God's All, and trust myself completely to His Infinite Care. Amen"

Have a blessed day,

Monday, February 26, 2007

Thoughts for Day's Beginning

I found this prayer in one my books that I'd like to share with you:

"I thank God for sunshine and bird-song, for the Sweet morning light upon the hill tops, and the tender eyes of my loved ones. The great world is awake and a-throb with life. I, too, am awake and life is pulsing through my veins. I have a part in the great world, in its work, its joy, and its sorrow. Today I can be a little center from which shall radiate peace, kindliness, and good-will. I thank God for the opportunity. A beautiful golden sunbeam has entered through my chamber window, and awakened me to the gladness and beauty of the morning. May my spirit be awakened and kindled by the Divine Spirit so that all this day it may warm and gladden the hearts it touches."

What a lovely morning expression of gratitude for the day. May we all greet our days with such joy.

God bless,

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Kingly Quality

What's the Kingly Quality? Writers long ago said that "if one had sweetness of nature, simplicity of manners and conduct, and humilty without self-abasement, it would give the truly kingly quality to men, queenly quality to women, and the winning to the children whatever station of life or rank they may be."

The life dominated by these charateristics is a "natural well-spring of joy to itself and sheds a continual benediction upon all who come within the scope of its influence. It makes for a great beauty in itself, and it imparts courage and hope and buoyancy to all others."

Isn't that lovely. Great words to live by. Be sweet and kind in your everyday life, and it will shed joy to all those you meet.

Take care,

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Greatest Thing Is Love

It is a very rainy day here that makes one want to snuggle up under the blankets and sleep in. However, I have a "date" with my grandchildren which I'm looking forward to.

So I'm going to post a saying from my collection. I hope you enjoy it. Have a lovely day filled with love and cheer.


"The greatest thing," says some one, "a man can do for His Heavenly Father, is to be kind to some of His other children."

I wonder how it is that we are not all kinder than we are. How much the world needs it! How easily it is done! How instantaneously it acts! How infallibly it is remembered! How superabundatly it pays itself back,--for there is no debtor in the world so honorable, so superbly honorable, as Love. ---Henry Drummond

Friday, February 23, 2007

Be Cheerful!

"Be cheerful. Give this lonesome world a smile.
We stay longest but a little while.
Hasten we must, or we shall lose a chance
To give the gentle word, the kindly glance.
Be sweet and tender--that is doing good;
Tis doing what no other kind deed could."

Joyous is nature's garb of health.--Lamartine

Have a great day,

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Love Is Everything

In a sense LOVE is everything. It is the key to life, and its influences are those that can literally move the world.

Live only in the thought of love for all and you will draw love to you from all. Live in the thought of malice and hatred, and malice and hatred will come back to you like a boomerang. Every thought you entertain is a force that goes out, and every thought comes back laden with its own kind. This is an immutable-never changing-law.

Every thought you entertain even has a direct effect on your body. Love and its kindred emotions of joy, kindness, gentleness, etc., are the normal and the natural. Why? Because they are in accordance with the eternal order of the universe, for "God is love." These emotions have a life-giving, health-generating influence upon your body, besides beautifying your contenance, enriching your voice, and making you more attractive in every way. It's a beauty treatment that doesn't cost anything except giving out "love thoughts."

And, as it is true that in the degree that you hold thoughts of love, that is unconditional love for all, you call the same from them in return. These have an effect upon your mind, and through your mind upon your body. It returns to you as so much positive life force added to your own from without.

By pouring out this God-like love to everyone, your life is enriched so much by its influence. It is the Circle of Love which enriches everyone's life and is a blessing to all.

Have a great day.

Love to you,

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fear and Lack of Faith Go Hand in Hand-Let Go and Let God

I talked about worry in my last post. Worry has a twin which is fear, and fear can be so crippling to an individual.

Fear and lack of faith go hand in hand. The one is born of the other. We have to look at what Jesus taught His followers to get a perspective as to how we should view fear. Jesus taught the All-ness of God: the Omnipotence, the Omniscience, the Omnipresence, and the Unconditional Love of God.

If we truly follow Him, there can be no room for fear or worry. If we have fear or worry, is that not a denial of the All-ness of God, and a denial of His infinite power? That is something to think about.

The great underlying principle, indeed the sum and substance of not only Christianity, but all the major religions is the "consciousness of God in the spirit of man." If we actually live in this consciousness, if we open ourselves so that this Divine Guidance and Power can work in and through us, what place is there for either fear or worry?

Lock the door to these two unscrupulous enemies which rob us of our joy and burden us with ill health, stress, unhappiness, and so much more. Say as the Psalmist did at Psalms 27:1-5:

"The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the defense of my life. Whom shall I dread?...
Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear;
Though war rise against me,
In spite of this I shall be confident...
For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle,
In the secret place of His tent He will hide(cover) me..."

Be determined to live a life filled with joy and faith. Let go and let God. Allow God to be your strength and shield.

Living a life of faith is, also, a great legacy to pass on to your children. Make no mistake. They observe how we react to the circumstances we encounter as the years go by. You can show them by your joy that fear and worry need not be part of their lives, and that they can live a life filled with courage and hope.

Till next time...

Stay joyful,

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Give Your Troubles over to God First-Not Last!

Hope you are having a great day. We had a blessed, wonderful week, and I'm so happy to be back posting.

In my last post I talked about worry. There is a little story that I have to share with you.

Many years ago, there was a woman of means who was perplexed and worried about some circumstances that she had no control over. Wringing her hands and pacing the floor day after day for a week, she saw no answer to her dire problem. All this time her little housemaid was observing the woman in her despair.

The woman finally through up her hands one morning, looked up to the heavens, and declared, "I guess I'll just have to turn the problem over to You, God."

At the time, the little housemaid was on her knees scrubbing the old oak floor boards. She looked up at the woman and spoke quite boldly saying, "Maam, I was wonderin' when you'd git around to turnin it over to God. I just don't understand why ya didn't do that in the first place?"

Isn't that the way it usually is? People worry over circumstances instead of turning it over to God "in the first place."

Are you a worrier? Throw your burdens on God no matter what the problem is, for "He is faithful." You are His child. He loves you. Trust Him. He will take care of you.

In love & joy,

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Prone to Worry? Be of Good Cheer

The best feature of many of the troubles we are prone to worry about is the fact that most of them never come. There was a writer, Lowell, who once said:

"Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those that never come."

A person who is not dominated by worry, who doesn't allow his energies to be crippled, and who gives no place to to their paralyzing and poisoning influences, puts himself in that positive attitude of mind that seems to neutralize any and all disagreeable influences before they can touch him. And in so doing, he attracts to himself, through that great, immutable "Law of Attraction," the influences and conditions he most desires. He lives in prosperity and wholeness!

If you are a worrier, always looking at the "dark" side of things expecting the worst, go back to the last couple of posts on Psalms. Dear Friend, begin to focus on faith and trust, and throw your worries upon Him. Begin to live boldly and rejoice!

Have a great day,

P.S. For the next 10 days or so, my husband and I are going on a spiritual retreat so I will not be posting. Do take care, and God bless you.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Determine to Be Happy

Someone once said, "The first step towards happiness is to be determined to be happy."

Rise each morning determined to be happy, to take each day as if it is the first day of the rest of your life, and have the attitude of mind that whenever a dark or negative thought presents itself, it is to be set on changing that thought immediately to one of optimism.

Don't linger on the dark thoughts for even a second. Doing so will only put you on an emotionl spiral heading down in your day. Switch on the "Bright Side", and you will greet everything in your day with a new outlook. It is only in this way that we condition circumstances instead of allowing ourselves to be conditioned by them.

"Put smile of your lips and a song in your heart, everyday."

Live in joy,

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Psalms 91st Chapter

Hope you are having a beautiful day. The sun is shining here in the Quachita Mountains and the birds are singing. Quite a difference from a few days ago. We have been seeing robins in the park across the street. Spring seems to be on its way.

Yesterday, in my Thought for the Day, I discussed the incredible power of Psalms the 91st chapter when you discover the original meanings of the words in Hebrew. That has been one of my passions over many years; studying the Bible and getting to the root meanings of words. It puts power into the scriptures being read. It really is awesome.

I love Psalms 91. People for centuries have seen miracles by putting it to memory and reciting it in times of danger. The next two verses, 3 and 4, are so faith-building:

"For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper,
And from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with His pinions
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bullwark."

Wow, in reading that, what do we EVER have to be afraid of? You know fear begets fear and so much more. Fear puts stress on our bodies. Our health suffers as a result. Believing-knowing- that God's protection is all around you, wipes out fear. It builds courage and hope.

The word "cover" has an incredible meaning. It means to defend, hedge in, cover wth a screen, and fence in-Complete PROTECTION. "His faithfulness" means truth, certainty, trustworthiness, stability, assurance,... So don't doubt that you are being watched over; you are.
And this one is amazing,"His faithfulness is a shield and bullwark." This picture portrayed here is not just one of those flat shields you see gladiators or knights in the movies use. This shield is a BIG, prickly, pointed shield; some meanings refer to it as black marble.

In other words, the Psalmist is expressing to you as pictorially as he possibly can that God protects you and is watching over you in a mighty way. These scriptures are saying to you that you have every reason to feel safe no matter what is happening around you or in the world. Visualize yourself as being hedged in, covered, by this protection, and then go about your life boldly, without fear.

Have faith, hope, and love. BELIEVE. You are a child of God!

Live in joy,

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Forward Look

In life the great secret of all advancement and attainment is to set yourself in the right direction and then simply travel on, paying no attention of even frequent lapses along the way. Those who know the power of the "forward look" realizes that unforeseen helps will spring up where least expected along the way for him who "keeps his eye on the prize."

When we're driving we often can't see but a couple of hundred feet ahead of us. That doesn't stop us from continuing on or worrying about the next 200 feet, does it? You know your destination, and you keep driving.

It's the same with life. Take each hour as it comes along without worry. Know your course, and KNOW that you are not traveling on your life's course alone. You have a Partner who knows exactly what you need when you need it.

"Dwell in the shelter of the Most High." Trust Him to guide you everyday, and keep the "Forward Look."

God be with you,

Thought for the day:

"He who dwells in the shelter of the most High, will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress. My God in whom I trust." Psalms 91: 1,2

The translation from Hebrew is to dwell(stay, live there) in the shelter(secret place, protection, concealment, flee to for protection) of the Most High and abide in the Almighty's shadow(your defense).

So, have trust and hope under that "shadow" all day, everyday. God bless!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Our Own World

Each person is building their own world. We build from within and we attract from without. Thought is the force with which we build, for thoughts are forces. Thoughts become things; they manifest our world.

To make it simple, like begets like and like attracts like. Thoughts of strength build strength from within and attract it from without. However, thoughts of weakness actualize weakness. Courage begets strength; fear begets weakness.

Our prevailing thought forces determine likewise the mental atmosphere we create around us. All who come within its influence are affected in one way or another, according to the quality of that atmosphere. In other words, we create through our thoughts and feelings the atmosphere of our own world and can greatly influence how others react in that world. It is really amazing. That's the Power of Your Thoughts.

Attract good in your world by Thinking Right and Feeling Right-in other words, Living in Joy.

Have a great Sunday,

Saturday, February 03, 2007

A Secret to a Beautiful Day

Each morning is a fresh beginning. We are, as it were, just beginning life. The day is in our hands to meet it as we choose. And when it begins, all yesterdays should remain yesterdays with which we should give no thought. And, every tomorrow should be tomorrows with which we will not give thought or worry. Sufficient is this day. For it is the way we live today, that will determine our tomorrow.

Simply, the first hour of any new day with all its eternity-determining possibilities, richness, and beauty, and each succeeding hour as it comes--but not before it comes--must be greeted with joyful expectation. This is a secret to a beautiful day.

May all the beauty of everyday be yours,

Thought for the day:
"This is the day that the Lord has made and I shall rejoice in it." As soon as you awake in the morning, before your feet hit the floor, "REJOICE" in the day and be grateful. You will see changes take place. God bless.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Bringing Up Children

Every mother, whether she realizes it or not, is constantly using the power of suggestion in rearing her children, healing all their little hurts. You kiss their bumps and bruises and tell the child that all is well again, and they are not only comforted, but they really believe that the kiss or caress has "magic" to cure the injury. A mother is constantly antidoting and neutralizing her child's little troubles and discords by giving the opposite thought and applying the love-elixr.

It is possible, then, for you to develop your children's faculties upon which health, success, and happiness depend. It's, again, the power of your words and feelings-emotions-on the life of your children.

If the cheerful, optimistic faculties are brought out and largely developed in childhood, it would change a person's whole outlook upon life as we grow older, and we would not go through years of discouragement, fear, apprehension, anxiety, mental anguish, and disappontments.

Talk health, love, courage, optimism around your children. More importantly, display those attributes. Watch what you say and do, even around little ones. They mimic us to a tee.

Every youth should be taught that they have a definite purpose in the world which no one else can fill and that they are special. Teach them that God is Love and is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent, meaning that He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and is in all-space and time. Teach them that He is their Partner in life. Consequently, they will learn that they have no reason to fear.

I hope the time will come when all children will be taught to believe in themselves; to form a picture of their own endless possibilities and of their future. And, may they, also, be taught that they can be a conduit of God's love, unconditional love, in the life of all their fellow man.

Love to all,

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Book of Possibilities

Good morning. Hope you are staying warm and cozy today. Even in the Southern states it's a bit frosty.

Today, I have to tell you about a little movie. My husband and I rented Last Holiday with Queen Latifa and watched it last night. It is a very sweet movie. More than that, however, it shows the power of writing down and having pictures of those things you desire: A "Book of Possibilities."

Perhaps those desires may not manifest right away. Perhaps some circumstances may come up which will make it seem as though your dreams are out of reach; however, don't give up! Stay joyful.

Rent the movie. You'll have a few laughs which is good for you. Laughter is the best medicine in the world. And, you'll watch a "good feeling" movie with a great message.

Today, begin your "Book of Possibilties."

Have a great day,

Two Thoughts for the day:

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4
"There is no medicine equal to a merry laugh--well mixed with fresh air."


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