Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Psalms 91st Chapter

Hope you are having a beautiful day. The sun is shining here in the Quachita Mountains and the birds are singing. Quite a difference from a few days ago. We have been seeing robins in the park across the street. Spring seems to be on its way.

Yesterday, in my Thought for the Day, I discussed the incredible power of Psalms the 91st chapter when you discover the original meanings of the words in Hebrew. That has been one of my passions over many years; studying the Bible and getting to the root meanings of words. It puts power into the scriptures being read. It really is awesome.

I love Psalms 91. People for centuries have seen miracles by putting it to memory and reciting it in times of danger. The next two verses, 3 and 4, are so faith-building:

"For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper,
And from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with His pinions
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bullwark."

Wow, in reading that, what do we EVER have to be afraid of? You know fear begets fear and so much more. Fear puts stress on our bodies. Our health suffers as a result. Believing-knowing- that God's protection is all around you, wipes out fear. It builds courage and hope.

The word "cover" has an incredible meaning. It means to defend, hedge in, cover wth a screen, and fence in-Complete PROTECTION. "His faithfulness" means truth, certainty, trustworthiness, stability, assurance,... So don't doubt that you are being watched over; you are.
And this one is amazing,"His faithfulness is a shield and bullwark." This picture portrayed here is not just one of those flat shields you see gladiators or knights in the movies use. This shield is a BIG, prickly, pointed shield; some meanings refer to it as black marble.

In other words, the Psalmist is expressing to you as pictorially as he possibly can that God protects you and is watching over you in a mighty way. These scriptures are saying to you that you have every reason to feel safe no matter what is happening around you or in the world. Visualize yourself as being hedged in, covered, by this protection, and then go about your life boldly, without fear.

Have faith, hope, and love. BELIEVE. You are a child of God!

Live in joy,

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