It was President Lincoln who gave us a wonderful summary of life when he said,"After all, the one meaning of life is to be kind."
That's really very simple. Love, fellowship, empathy are all things that are the very foundation of a civilized, happy, ideal life and what makes us truly human. It is the very balance wheel of life itself. It gives us genuineness and simplicity in voice, in look, and in spirit that is so instinctively felt by us all, and to which every person universally responds. It is like the fragrance of a flower--the emanation of the soul.
If everyone displayed those characteristics, it would certainly solve a lot of the complex problems in all lines of human relations and endeavors where solutions seem nearly impossible, and it would bring order and sweetness to vast number of instances. They are the healing oil, so-to-speak, that can make everything run smoothly and effectively if taken to heart whether it be in family, business, community, or other relationships.
There is an interesting quote by Christine Rossetti which was: "One whom I knew intimately, and whose memory I revere, once in my hearing remarked that, 'unless we love people, we cannot understand them.' This was a new light to me." What a profound truth.
When we truly love others, we will be open to understand them and accept them as they are. That is true unconditional love, agape' love, of which Jesus spoke.
In love and joy,
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