Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Faith Is...

Several have written me expressing doubts about faith. I have heard, "I pray, but nothing happens."

You know the scripture in Hebrews 11:1 says,"Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for though the evidence is not yet beheld." That is just one translation's rendition.

Faith is believing though the outcome is not seen. It's trusting without evidence. If we could see the outcome, it wouldn't be by faith, would it?

The secret is to really let go and let God. It's not by praying and then worrying. It's not by praying and then taking the problem back into our own hands, or trying to figure the problem out ourselves after we've prayed. If we do that, we might as well say, "You're not big enough to take care of me, God."

Take the problem to God and then rejoice, thanking Him. Praise Him, and know that all is well. Have a sweet night's rest free from worry. "Feel" at peace and cared for.

God loves you,

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