Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Golden Rule

Jesus wrote of the Golden Rule. Yes, it can be found at Matthew 7:12: "Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the law." It's so simple, yet so apropos for these days of turmoil.

There is a poem, What We Learned in Kindergarten. They were all those simple little rules to live by that we were taught that could carry us through our whole life, most of which told us to just be nice to one another.

Here's a little poem on this thought:

"If you'd help the world a bit,
Do as you'd be done by:
If you'd help to brighten it,
Do as you'd be done by;
If you have a blessing, let
Someone share it; don't forget,
Selfishness will bring regret;--
Do as you'd be done by.

So, simply do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. The Golden Rule is summed up in just one little word-Love.

In love-God bless you,

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