Friday, March 30, 2007

Just Go Day by Day

Wow, it's a beautiful spring day. Weather is getting rather warm already.

Here's a little poem to encourage you to just live one day at a time:

I heard a still, small voice at evening softly say,
"Bear not thy yesterday into tomorrow,
Nor load this week with last week's load of sorrow.
Lift all thy burdens as they come, nor try
To weigh the present with the by and by.
One step and then another, take thy way;
Live day by day.

Live day by day.
Though autumn leaves are withering round thy way
Walk in the sunshine. It is all for thee.
Push straight ahead, as long as thou canst see;
Dread not the winter wither thou mayest go,
But when it comes, be thankful for the snow.
Onward and upward. Look and smile and pray;
Live day by day."

Take one day at a time. Live it joyfully. Make no room for worry or tears; just leave everything in God's care. There's that old saying, "Don't play catch with God."

Once you give Him your cares and concerns, LEAVE THEM THERE and have peace. Now, if you've done that, go have a happy day and rejoice!

In love,

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