I hope you're generally an optimist. However, if you do have a tendency to be a pessimist as many are, it may be hindering you from realizing the best in life as well as those around you who are the receivers of your personal expressions. Why is that?
Our words and feelings are what we daily express to other people, and our words are a force, whether positive or negative. If are words and actions are wholesome, pleasing, and encouraging, it brings contentment and sereneness to ourselves and the recipients. However, if our words are expressed with discontentment, sarcasm, aggression, frustration, or discouragement, they're destructive to us and others; so much so that no one can afford to use them under any circumstances whatsoever. Words wound others, but they, also, do harm to the one who says them; you. No one can afford to give expression to a single word that may wound.
Never give expression to what you don't want to encourage, either. The more you talk about a thing, the more you'll help it along. Never mind the dark, negative side of anything. It will interfere with your welfare.
To tell your troubles or complaints to someone may give you temporary relief; however, if those words become scattered seeds that produce another crop, it can cause more problems. In other words, in talking about problems, your words don't always stay in that room. You know that happens. Complaining never solves anything anyway.
There is a solution to whatever happens. Trust that God will help you find it. Or, if you feel someone has wronged you, forgive them and go on. Nothing is worth pining over again and again and discussing it. Turn your back on problems, look ahead, and begin to speak harmony, love, and success. "Feel" deeply that new and better conditions will exist.
Since our words are a force, never speak unless you have something to say that gives cheer, encouragement, or wholesome conversation. There's a lovely and most appropriate scripture at Proverbs 16: 24, which says:
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb. Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." I love that one.
Till next time...
Share your love and be joyful within,
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