Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Jealously Guard Your Thoughts

Having a great day? If you want a "great day," speak it. You know the scripture: " Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." What's in your heart and soul right now? Are they good, wholesome, cheery thoughts? This is really important, and I'll explain why.

One of my favorite people of history, who made the best of her life in what seeemed to be unbeatable odds, was Helen Keller. She was a beautiful woman. Not only in character but she was physically lovely. When my scanner is working, I'll post a picture of her. She made the comment to someone that she had to learn to "jealously guard her thoughts." Her world was without sight or sound, so she had to place in her mind beautiful pictures and sounds. She would describe objects to herself as she felt a flower or leaf, painting her own pictures in her mind with such vividness that she filled her mind with beauty. She would "feel" things. She felt the beat of the music. She had to learn to FEEL life, and from "feeling life" she literally built a life of fullness and abundance.

My mother had an aunt who was blind. She became blind at the age of around 45. She lived a full, joyful life well into her 80's cooking for her and her husband, taking care of her home, and being a friend to many. However, she once told me that she had to constantly keep her mind on positive, good things for it was very easy in her dark world to allow dark thoughts to overwhelm her. She had to focus on happy things, beautiful things or, as she said, dark thoughts would creep into her daytimes: Nightmares would envelop her, and even her daytimes would be filled with them.

These two women worked very hard to guard their thoughts. In their sphere of existence they chose to center their thoughts on only what was good. That's why I understood what Helen Keller meant when she said she had to "JEALOUSLY" guard her thoughts. It is something she didn't fool around with and neither did Aunt Helga. All they had for input was what was they willed to think about without sight and as with Miss Keller, total silence, too. What do you fill your mind with?

In my next post, I'll continue on this. Till next time, think about how amazing "you" are.

In love & joy,

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