Friday, December 22, 2006

Share a Smile with Someone

You may have families and friends to share the holidays with, but perhaps you may not. If you are by yourself or far away from home, consider this a family spot to stop by and visit often, and know that, whoever you are, you are loved. I guess that's the Nana in me.

Not everyone's life is the perfect Norman Rockwell portrait. However, know that you're important and very special.

I have a suggestion. If you are by yourself, share yourself with someone this week, even if it's to give someone a smile. I bet that someone will smile back and in the scheme of things, it will make a difference in their life and yours.

God bless you.

In love & joy,
Donna (Nana)
(I'm having trouble putting direct links in the blog, so you may have to copy and paste)

Thought for the day:
"Expect every change to lead you to something better and it will. As your faith is, so shall it be."

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