Saturday, December 30, 2006

Look at the Brightside

Can you imagine it's just one more day till a new year opens its arms to you? Wow, time went so fast. I hope you enter the New Year with a mind free of regrets. If there's something you didn't say to someone , don't hesitate, call them today. If there's something you didn't do and wished you had, either do it if you can, or put it behind you and make a list of new things to accomplish. Do so with anticipated excitement, and they will be done.

However, first, take a few minutes and ponder on all the "good" things you did do this last year. Write them down before the year is up. You'll probably astound yourself at all the good that you did do which will be a great encouragement to you. Only by writing those things down and reflecting will you have a reference as to what you want to do in the coming year.

Should there be something that you do regret saying or doing that's been going around in your head and there's nothing you can do to remedy it, learn to "forgive yourself." That may be one of the most important lessons to learn for your future. And, as Ruskin once said, "Let every dawn of morning be to you as the beginning of life." Great, isn't it?

George F. Butler of the N.Y. Globe, 100 years ago, wrote the following:

Look at the Brightside
Learn to look at the brightside, the good things in life. Do not let the shadow of discouragement and despondency fall on your path. Never doubt for a moment that everything will turn out for the best in the end. If you believe firmly in yourself, you will be given the strength to do some day what may now seem impossible. Your effort and success will be in accord with the amount of faith and hope you put to your work. Do not anticipate trouble. Cut out all anxiety and advance fearlessly and bravely. Take the road and it will lead you to the goal, though it may be strewn with difficulties. Don't fret and give up in despair if you don't "arrive" as soon as you would like to; all progress, of the best kind, is slow; but to him who works faithfully and in the right spirit will be given his reward. So hold up your head and look the world in the face; hold your ground and march bravely forward, over all the obstacles, and the world will make a way for you. "They can who think they can."
Have a great day & always "look on the brightside,"

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