Yesterday I talked about "feeling:" The feeling of expectation.
I have a secret for you. One secret of success is to Feel Joy and Feel Prosperity-in other words-Live in it!
I love the word JOY. You say it and it makes you happy. It brings up good vibrations in the soul. It is a state of being. In contrast, being happy is a moment by moment experience. So the goal, my friend, is to "feel JOY." Learn to experience a true joy that is not moved by your circumstances.
Second, feel PROSPERITY! Now that's a word that is highly misconstrued. Most dictionaries refer to it as wealth or financial gain. However, when you look up prosperity scripturally or in very old dictionaries and study the original meaning, you find it means a whole lot more.
It doesn't only mean to be financially wealthy. It means to be whole and sound in your life spiritually, mentally, physically, and materially; the whole package. If the other parts are missing, you can have all the money in the world, but chances are, you still may not be happy and healthy and have real peace and joy within you.
So it's a simple secret: Think and feel. Think right thoughts-wholesome joy thoughts. Keep foremost in your mind the words expressed in the Bible whereby it says, "Ponder on those things that are just, upright, pure...," I'm not ever going to be preachy; however, I will bring up just what is. Keep your thoughts positive and good. That being said, there's the old saying, "What we think about most, we will attract." Proverbs 23:7 so states, " For what a man thinks within himself, so he is."
It's not hocus-pocus. It's the simple Law of Attraction. Your thoughts are an integral part of who you are, and they affect your circumstances.
So for today, release everything and "feel" joy and prosperity. Say the word "joy" often during the day. Put it into your heart as the day goes by. And, believe and trust that you are being taken care of-for every need and every desire. It takes practice so don't be impatient with yourself. Every change, every developed habit, takes 30 days to take affect. Have a great day!
Love, peace, and joy to you,
Thought for the day:
"The inner side of every cloud is bright and shining: I therefore turn my clouds about, and always wear them inside out, to show the lining." Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler
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