Did you know that if you are an optimist looking at a situation you are right. And, if you are a pessimist observing the same situation you are right. You are just looking at the circumstances from a different perspective. However, that perspective can be either detrimental to your health or not.
"Thoughts are things". They are as real as the chair or sofa you are sitting on. That is because the thoughts that spin around in your head affect the trillions of cells in your body. All your cells individually have a consciousness which affect all your other cells. Don't quite believe me? Consider this.
Have you at one time gotten quite angry and as a result have gotten sick. Has your blood pressure gone up? Or, while you were eating, did someone say something hurtful and afterward you became sick to your stomach? Or, perhaps you had an argument with your child or spouse, and you got a terrible headache. All these physical symptoms were a direct result of the thoughts you had which affected your emotions which affected your body! It all started with your thoughts and your reaction to what was said or done to you.
You are either heading in a happy, healthy direction within or you are heading in a destructive direction within. You can't do both at the same time. We'll discuss more of this in coming posts.
But, for now try the 24 hour mental diet. Some say 30 days. But let's start out with a smaller increment of time at first. If you are a true pessimist, and don't feel bad if you are; 90% or more of the people on the planet think negative thoughts most of the time. And. it is no wonder with the radio, TV, newspaper, and other people, mostly negative, input most expose themselves to all day long.
For the next 24 hours, think on happy, joyful-filled thoughts. If you have a negative thought sneak into mind-or, neggies as I call them-turn the switch to a happy thought immediately and see how much better you feel physically. If you only start out with 4 to 6 hours, that will be a beginning. Do it tomorrow to begin with. No matter what is happening around you, turn your happy thoughts on for a specific time. FEEL happy. If you have to, put some joyous music on and dance around your house. Sing and laugh out loud. Bring out the child within again. It is the feeling that is the key that WILL turn your life around.
"Thoughts are things". They are as real as the chair or sofa you are sitting on. That is because the thoughts that spin around in your head affect the trillions of cells in your body. All your cells individually have a consciousness which affect all your other cells. Don't quite believe me? Consider this.
Have you at one time gotten quite angry and as a result have gotten sick. Has your blood pressure gone up? Or, while you were eating, did someone say something hurtful and afterward you became sick to your stomach? Or, perhaps you had an argument with your child or spouse, and you got a terrible headache. All these physical symptoms were a direct result of the thoughts you had which affected your emotions which affected your body! It all started with your thoughts and your reaction to what was said or done to you.
You are either heading in a happy, healthy direction within or you are heading in a destructive direction within. You can't do both at the same time. We'll discuss more of this in coming posts.
But, for now try the 24 hour mental diet. Some say 30 days. But let's start out with a smaller increment of time at first. If you are a true pessimist, and don't feel bad if you are; 90% or more of the people on the planet think negative thoughts most of the time. And. it is no wonder with the radio, TV, newspaper, and other people, mostly negative, input most expose themselves to all day long.
For the next 24 hours, think on happy, joyful-filled thoughts. If you have a negative thought sneak into mind-or, neggies as I call them-turn the switch to a happy thought immediately and see how much better you feel physically. If you only start out with 4 to 6 hours, that will be a beginning. Do it tomorrow to begin with. No matter what is happening around you, turn your happy thoughts on for a specific time. FEEL happy. If you have to, put some joyous music on and dance around your house. Sing and laugh out loud. Bring out the child within again. It is the feeling that is the key that WILL turn your life around.
Till next time...
Live life in abundance!
Rev. Donna
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