Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wishing You a Very Happy & Prosperous 2010

Hello Friend,

It is so hard to imagine that the New Year is just a few hours from now. So much has happened this year around the world; some good & some not so good. However, whatever has happened in your personal life, no matter where you are, you are still here. Isn't that wonderful? Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success: Feel that success. A whole, clear, glorious year lies before you.

In the year to come, you can regain any health or fortune lost and find renewed peace and happiness. So let the past go. Be thankful for where you are, and look forward to 2010 with great expectation and excitement!

Here is a lovely New Year poem for you. Hope you enjoy it.

New Year

As the old year sinks down to Time's ocean,
Stand ready to launch with the new,
And waste no regrets, no emotion,
As the masts and the spars past from view.

Weep not if some treasures go under
And sink in the rotten ship's hold,
That blithe, bonny barque sailing yonder
May bring you more wealth than the old.

For the world is forever improving,
All the past is not worth one today,
And whatever deserves our true loving
Is stronger than death and decay.

Old love, was it wasted devotion?
Old friends were they weak or untrue?
Well, let them sink in mid ocean
And gaily sail on to the new.

Throw overboard toil misdirected,
Throw overboard ill-advised hope,
With aims which, your soul has detected,
Have self as their center and scope.

Throw overboard useless regretting
For deeds which you cannot undo.
And learn the great art of forgetting
Old things that embitter the new.

Sing who will of dead years departed,
I shroud them and bid them adieu,
And the song that I sing, happy hearted,
Is a song of a glorious new!

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Wishing you & Yours a healthy, happy, peaceful, & prosperous New Year!

Rev. Donna & Family

Monday, December 07, 2009

Are You Ready to Take the Jump?

How many times have you wanted to do something different, but it was scary to make a change? Do you have dreams of going back to school, changing jobs, starting a business of your own, writing a book, moving to a new city that is beautiful and exciting that you have often thought of, or even taking a trip to some far away country; however, the thought of doing something different terrifies you so you stay right where you are and keep doing the same thing that you hate and lacks joy?

People stay doing what they have always done because of their comfort zone. It feels safe. Often the what ifs keep coming up in their heads. You know the little man called What If. He's the one that says what if this happened? Or, what if that happened if I did such and such? "I might Fail" is a common thought that occurs in the mind.

The following saying that I love reminds me of the the third Indiana Jones movie where Indiana had to step out into a dark nothingness to save his father's life. Once he stepped out, however, he discovered a solid path below his feet that allowed him to get what he needed. He had the courage to believe and just did it. It is a great movie and a great scene.

Become all that you dream of becoming. Make sure that what you do on your life's journey is joy-filled. Here's the little saying for you.

The jump is so frightening,
Between where I am and where I want to be,

Because of all I may become,
I will close my eyes and leap!

Have a beautiful day, and may you have safe traveling during the holiday month,
Rev. Donna

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Are You an Optimist?

Did you know that if you are an optimist looking at a situation you are right. And, if you are a pessimist observing the same situation you are right. You are just looking at the circumstances from a different perspective. However, that perspective can be either detrimental to your health or not.

"Thoughts are things". They are as real as the chair or sofa you are sitting on. That is because the thoughts that spin around in your head affect the trillions of cells in your body. All your cells individually have a consciousness which affect all your other cells. Don't quite believe me? Consider this.

Have you at one time gotten quite angry and as a result have gotten sick. Has your blood pressure gone up? Or, while you were eating, did someone say something hurtful and afterward you became sick to your stomach? Or, perhaps you had an argument with your child or spouse, and you got a terrible headache. All these physical symptoms were a direct result of the thoughts you had which affected your emotions which affected your body! It all started with your thoughts and your reaction to what was said or done to you.

You are either heading in a happy, healthy direction within or you are heading in a destructive direction within. You can't do both at the same time. We'll discuss more of this in coming posts.

But, for now try the 24 hour mental diet. Some say 30 days. But let's start out with a smaller increment of time at first. If you are a true pessimist, and don't feel bad if you are; 90% or more of the people on the planet think negative thoughts most of the time. And. it is no wonder with the radio, TV, newspaper, and other people, mostly negative, input most expose themselves to all day long.

For the next 24 hours, think on happy, joyful-filled thoughts. If you have a negative thought sneak into mind-or, neggies as I call them-turn the switch to a happy thought immediately and see how much better you feel physically. If you only start out with 4 to 6 hours, that will be a beginning. Do it tomorrow to begin with. No matter what is happening around you, turn your happy thoughts on for a specific time. FEEL happy. If you have to, put some joyous music on and dance around your house. Sing and laugh out loud. Bring out the child within again. It is the feeling that is the key that WILL turn your life around.

Till next time...

Live life in abundance!
Rev. Donna

Friday, June 05, 2009

Live in Joy!

Hope you are having a blessed day. I am going to get back to the basic thought of this blog; and that is Living in JOY.

When things have got you down, do you know what you have to do? Just be glad. Sounds strange? No, it's the only thing you can do. Put a smile on your face and a song in your heart, and just be glad. If you live in joy, live in the now, and live in the excitement of knowing you are right where you should be, you'll begin to totally trust God knowing that no matter what, you're in His hands.

You're always in His hands. Don't try to fix things. Just live in a joy-filled state and have peace knowing that "all is well." You are loved; you are God's child; you are eternal. So, live in JOY!!!

Live life abundantly,

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

How Are We Like Horton the Elephant? Read On...

Our health is so important to our well-being. But, did you know that our emotions and feelings are connected to our health? Every cell communicates with one another. I liken it to the Dr. Seuss story, Horton Hears a Who.

Horton the elephant took responsibility to save this "world" that existed on the fluff of a weed. That is how we are in a way. We have our thoughts. They are powerful. More powerful than we often realize. And, our thoughts are responsible for the welfare of the trillions of cells within us.

There are outside influences, of course, such as the chemicals in the environment and the foods we eat that can influence our health. We have to be wise and avoid harmful, non-nutritive foods and substances for our body's sake. However, we can contribute health and wellness or we can contribute sickness to our own bodies by what we think and feel, too. Our emotions play a vital part in our own well-being.

Take responsibility for the world within you. Choose to have happy thoughts, and thus happier cells. Dwell on thoughts of peace and prosperity. Guard your thoughts so as not to slip back in the past, or harbor regret. Enjoy every moment of every day and embrace life. You'll see better health if you enter each day with a cheerful heart.

In love & joy,


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