Friday, March 29, 2013

Regret and Those Negative Phrases

Good Morning,

Do you ever say to yourself the following?
What if I hadn't done that? Why did I ....? I shouldn't have done... If only I hadn't done..., or, I wish had only... ? You know those plaguing questions that come up. 

Stop. For your health's sake, STOP. Because...
Every time you put yourself n the path of regret, you go backwards. You put yourself into a vortex that affects every cell of our body. It's contrary to the forward experience of LIFE. It doesn't bring JOY: That little, yet, ever so powerful word that brings health and well being to your soul. 

Think about these words from the Ptaah:

"Every action, every decision you have ever made has brought you to this place this now. Bless all that has happened in your life which has become discordant.
You have created it all that you may know who you really are.
Own it all.
You are not a victim, and neither is anyone else."

Now, what do you do? 

Bless yourself. Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Rejoice in life, and feel that joy till it reverberates to your very inner being. Have gratitude, and discover the wonders of the world around you and within you. There is only one you, and You Are Amazing!

Blessings & love,

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thank You for Visiting


It thrills my heart when I look at the statistics on my blog. I just want to thank you for visiting. It means so much to me to have people form Russia, Vietnam, Turkey, Poland, and other countries around the world, as well as, the USA, to stop by to read my posts.

Don't forget to join my list. If you have trouble signing up or do not receive the confirmation email, do please write me at revdonna @, and I will get back with you soon as possible.

Have a beautiful, blessed day,

Create Your Life

Spring is in the air and the birds are singing. It is wonderful to just be still and take in the sites and sounds of nature on a beautiful spring morning. I sit in my yard in the morning and listen carefully for new sounds. Listening to the birds relate to each in a chorus of conversations between each other is miraculous and magical.

There is such joy in observing nature. It is these moments that you can realize how grateful you are to just be. We get so caught up in the business of a hurried everyday life, that those moments can lead to complete serenity even though it may last but for a few minutes.

A few moments of silence in meditation allows to to know yourself and dominate your mentality in calmness. In these days of stress and emotional drain from the cares of our technological world, taking the time to know you is of utmost importance. Take the time to dream, to imagine yourself doing things that you long to do.

Don't dismiss this as foolish or time wasting, for what you dream, you will achieve. It is the secret of the universe...the law of attraction. Do this everyday. Be grateful for every moment, and miracles will happen unexpectedly. You think anyway, so dwell on beautiful thoughts--grateful thoughts---happy thoughts.

Only you, and you alone, have the power create your own happy, loving thoughts. Don't allow anyone to steal those from you. They are yours. Use your thoughts wisely to create your life: A beautiful, joy-filled life!

God bless,


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