Do you ever say to yourself the following?
What if I hadn't done that? Why did I ....? I shouldn't have done... If only I hadn't done..., or, I wish had only... ? You know those plaguing questions that come up.
Stop. For your health's sake, STOP. Because...
Every time you put yourself n the path of regret, you go backwards. You put yourself into a vortex that affects every cell of our body. It's contrary to the forward experience of LIFE. It doesn't bring JOY: That little, yet, ever so powerful word that brings health and well being to your soul.
Think about these words from the Ptaah:
"Every action, every decision you have ever made has brought you to this place this now. Bless all that has happened in your life which has become discordant.
You have created it all that you may know who you really are.
Own it all.
You are not a victim, and neither is anyone else."
Now, what do you do?