Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. --- William James
Rejoice in life. No matter what happens... REJOICE. For if you express & FEEL gratitude and joy, Life will change for you if you simply change your dominant thoughts and feelings. Get that joy and gratitude down deep into your very soul and into every cell. Did you know that your cells have feelings, too?
Every single cell expresses emotion. So let go and let God right now. Close your eyes and think of some moment in time that you were ecstatically happy. If that is difficult for you to do, and it could very well be that it is, we are all given a very special gift. Do you know what that is? It's your imagination. So, imagine if you will, something or someplace that would give you great joy, and feel it with all your heart and every fiber of your being
Dwell on it for as long as it takes for you to feel it real. Now hold onto it as if your life depended on it for it really truly does. Hold that thought and feeling in your heart and soul and don't let go so that you can call on it at any moment of any day. Do this not as work, but as a child expecting something grand that has been wished for as you did at Christmas time. It's time we all became as a child and let go of our worrying, stressed-out adult ways.
Think about your "happy thought" as often as you can everyday, and do you know what, it will come to be. Why? Because The Law of Attraction has always been and always will be. That is just how it is.
I love this... Hope it will make you smile and LAUGH, too.
Express laughter everyday... It's healthy for you,
Rev. Donna