Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Next 10 minutes...How will you spend it?

Hi, I am so glad to be back posting. I have been writing about health, and a lot of other subjects, and yet, this is what is important to me. Blogging about the wonders of the world, and how each person fits into the grand scheme of things so intricately and  perfectly.  We need to just stop for a moment and realize how magical and miraculous we are and how wonderful life is.

I have a clock pictured here. It is almost at the ten minute mark. When you think of how infentisimal a mere 10 minutes is, it is somewhat mind-boggling. And yet, every increment of 10 minutes can make such a difference in our life.

We think thoughts and say words that go our into the universe and they do determine our very existence. Ten minutes spent growling at your circumstance, a problem, or at others, means 10 minutes of your own vital force spent in making worse your condition of which you complain or are upset. Every thought spent in hatred, envy, jealousy, etc., comes back to us like a boomerang. It flies back and  hurts us-Not the other person from which the thoughts centered upon. It doesn't destroy anyone else's luck or good fortune as we perceive it. It hurts only the person from which the thought or feeling came-you.

Does that make any sense then to waste one precious minute or even a nano-second angry at another or envious of anything they have? NO! It is a waste of YOUR precious forces within and your time which is irreplaceable.  Nothing you do can get that back.

So what should we then do? Rise up at each moment, every minute, and consider the NOW a gift to be treasured, and held sacred and fill it only with gratitude and joy. Use your thoughts, words, and feelings as building blocks to build your future starting at this moment in time.

See what the next few months will bring to you if you stop for a second before you think, speak, and feel some negative reaction to something or someone. Remember, as I posted before, it's the feeling you put into your thoughts and words that makes a difference. So choose wisely. Feel joy as you think good thoughts, and let every word you say be for good. Make that your choice starting today for all your minutes to come. It may take awhile to get into the habit, however, it is so worth the effort to begin doing so for the sake of your happiness and your health. Anger and envy takes a toll on the body.

Love, joy, and peace bring vitality and well-being to body, soul, and spirit. In one of my previous posts, I wrote that "Cheerfulness is a Life-giver," so Live in joy!

Have a most blessed day,


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